Chapter 102: Strawberry Wine

Entering the room, her eyes were drawn to Bobby.  He was standing at the dormer window looking out into the snowy night, his bare back to her, the pajama pants hanging low on his hips, grey silk clinging to the curve of his ass.  Maggie took a few steps and stopped.  She’d been intending to say something witty but the sight of him knocked the words right out of her mind.

He turned at the sound of her feet on the wide plank floor and his eyes widened.  “Galee, cher,” he breathed, dragging his eyes from her toes and up her body until he met her eyes.  “You take my breath away.”

She smiled and crossed the room to meet him, reaching two tentative fingers to touch a rock-hard ab.  “Are you kidding me?  Have you seen you?”

Bobby gently lifted her chin and kissed her tenderly, willing himself to hold back, to move slowly.  He felt the pulse pounding in his neck.  And someplace lower.  Leaning his forehead against hers, he cleared his throat softly.  “How about a glass of wine?”