Chapter 106: Watching Maggie in Action

Bobby woke up annoyed, his foul mood from the previous night carrying over into the new day.  He wasn’t unhappy with Savannah.  She couldn’t help getting sick.  But Deanna had known all day and had waited to call him until after midnight.  She could have called his parents and made those arrangements, too, but she’d dumped it all in his lap.

Maggie’s morning text lifted his spirits somewhat, and he replied to her that he’d meet her in front of the courthouse when she came out for her lunch break.  He kept it light and positive, dreading the conversation they’d need to have over lunch.  He felt he was letting her down, and that bothered him.

He spent a few minutes packing for his trip, having made his flight reservations the previous night after he’d spoken to his parents.  He planned to take his small duffel bag with him to work and leave for the airport from there.