Chapter 118: Thanksgiving in Louisiana

Bobby gazed at Maggie across the table in the first-class lounge of the Atlanta airport.  It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and they’d decided to have dinner during their two-hour layover halfway to Louisiana.  “I’m so sorry I was impatient with you, cher.”

Maggie smiled sadly.  “You’ve already apologized.  Several times.  And I get it.  I never want to put you last.”

He looked down, frowning.  “You don’t.  I was wrong to say it.  You work your ass off at your job, and then take on caring for a sick friend.  And on top of that, you have this overbearing, insecure boyfriend who makes everything harder.”

“You know I love you.  I don’t want you to question that.”  She sighed deeply.  “I just hate it when we fight.”

“We weren’t fighting,” he said, grinning wryly.  “We were just discussing divergent opinions.”

Maggie laughed softly.  “Yes, well…  With Veronica there to keep Michael company, I won’t worry about him being alone.”