Chapter 120: Christmas Eve

“Merry Christmas Eve, cher!”  It was barely 7:00 am.  Maggie had just gathered up the things she’d need for tomorrow’s celebration at Michael’s and was on her way out the door.

“Merry Christmas Eve to you, too,” she laughed, glancing at the time.  “How is everything in Louisiana?  And what are you doing up so early?”

He laughed.  “Savannah is just a little excited.  She woke me at 4:30 thinking today was Christmas.  It’s going well, I suppose.  I just miss you, is all.”

“You’ve only been gone for three days.  Sometimes you’re gone for weeks at a time for work,” she reasoned.

“Nothing’s the same without my strawberry wine,” he countered.

“I miss you, too, but I hope you enjoy the time with your family.  Tell them all Merry Christmas from me.”

“Will do.  How’s Michael?” he asked.