Chapter 127: Michael’s Family By Choice

Savannah’s clear blue eyes were huge as Bobby introduced her to Michael.  “Savannah, you remember Mr. Michael.  We met him at the airport that time. He’s invited us to stay here with him for a while until we find our own house.”

When the doctor had released Michael from the hospital, he’d given him a timeline of a few weeks.  Maggie had approached Michael, asking if she and Bobby could bring Savannah and stay with him for a while, and Michael had balked.  “I don’t want a bunch of people waiting around for me to die.”

She’d convinced him that he’d be doing them a favor, buying them time to find the right place.  The truth was, she couldn’t bear to think of being all the way in the East Village when he might need her.

Now, the little girl regarded Michael solemnly, taking in his gaunt appearance, his grey sunken cheeks and his eyes with their dark circles.  Her little brow wrinkled.  “What’s wrong with your face?” she asked.

“Savannah!” Bobby exclaimed sharply.