The deceptively bright sun and cloudless blue sky seemed at odds with the brisk cold day. But it made for a perfect afternoon spent skating at Wellman Rink in Central Park. Savannah squealed in delight as she struggled along on her ice skates. She was in no real danger of falling, safely tucked between her father and Maggie who each held a hand. She looked up, and Maggie could see the childs pink cheeks and sparkling eyes.
Are you having fun? she asked the little girl.
Yeah! This is awesome!
Bobby looked at Maggie over his daughters head and winked, smiling. He was beyond grateful to Maggie for taking the unscheduled visit in stride. Shed even taken off work on Friday afternoon so that she could stay with Savannah when hed had to leave for the studio.
Hed arrived home late that night to find the little girl fast asleep in a makeshift tent constructed out of a blanket draped over a card table.