Rainy Weather

We have waked up early in the morning so till 8'o clock we were ready to leave .

Ava was sitting in the car that suddenly she ran to me .

"Allice...Allice " she said .

"Yes what happened "

"We have forgot one thing "

"What ...Look Ava I have packed everything "

"No...NO we have forgot the book .Where it is ?"

"That book is with dad "I replied.

"So we should take it with us too "

"Yes let's go and ask from him "

We went to the dad .He was cleaning the car ,.

I asked "Dad where is the book ?.I want to take it with me ."

"Oh it is in my room .You both should go and pick it up. We all will be waiting for you "

And we went running to dad's room .

"Oh it is here "I said to Ava taking the book from table .

As we were turning back to go we saw someone at the back of curtain .

"Who are you " Asked Ava and she was moving towards the curtain that suddenly ,the old man came infront of us from the curtain.

"You ...what are you doing here?" asked Ava lowering her voice .

"I.....I came here to say you goodbye "

"Oh ok but you have so much powers .You can meet us at the trip too."

"Yes...yes.....no ...no I will stay here to fight against that storm and that danger that is coming towards your house "

"By the way what is the danger " Ava asked .

"You will know it very soon .Actually it is someone who is coming here owns the area and if he saw you living here he will hurt you ."

"Ok we are living .Please made that ghost run from here ."

"OK I will but you can leave your book here ?" he said .

"But why ?WE will read it there . "I replied .

"But it might be possible that you will never came back .

"What ..?"Ava asked .

"Nothing I mean that it might be possible that your parents will like the place so much that they will decide to live there forever ."

"No it is not possible .We will come back in 10-20 days "Ava said .

And we heard the horn and said goodbye to the old man .

We sat in the car and started our journey .

Me and Ava were sitting in separate cars but still both the cars were in such a lane that we can see each other .We turned the mobile to talk to each other as well .We were hearing each other on loudspeakers in car rather than songs.

As we were moving further and further the weather was changing .

We were about 100 miles far from house that we stopped for rest .It was an open area .We decided to eat something . That suddenly ,the clouds that were formed from many time started raining .

We ran to the car . People ran for cover outside and umbrellas were opened as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Puddles began plinking as the rainfall became heavier. The roofs of the cars danced with spray and I could hear the murmuring of the rain through the window. It sounded like the buzzing of angry bees. We got our food in the car and it was a really memorable experience to eat food in the car along with rain .

My father said that "it seems Ava was right .The rainy wet season has started "

"Yes dad monsoon has stared .Now we will enjoy a lot "Said Jacob .

We ate our food and started our journey back .It was still raining .Suddenly ,we heard the voice in speakers from Ava's car .She was saying "Allice let's say something about rain .It is a game .Let's start from you "

I agreed .

I said "The rainy day comes with its heaven-given soundtrack, washing every hue into a strong and soulful vibrancy."

"Wow good Allice "Said Ava's dad .

"Now your turn "I replied.

She said "The rainy day comes as invitation to rest, to relax, to let the ever steady moment expand into dreamy poetic wonderings."

Jacob said " The rainy day offers the gift of meditation, for each tiny water-globe to touch the skin is a moment for the soul to command."

Leo said "Now listen to me "

"Ok we are listening "said Jacob .

And he started " It was still early when the clouds gave of their rain to the grass and trees, when the road became alive with more splashes than my eyes could appreciate. Yet together they brought such a soothing sound, a natural melody every bit as beautiful as a mother's soulful hum. I felt each splash that touched my skin, watched my cardigan become a deeper, more rocky hue. It was as if earlier the street had been a matt photograph, only to be washed as glossy as any magazine page."

"Oh good Leo "said Ava .

And this game ended when we were tired enough .