
After eating food ,we went through the restaurant to see its beauty .The restaurant feels as if I have entered a dreamland, the happy chatter, the fragrances, the easy and natural colors.

After eating food , we went to eat ice -cream . It was although summer but the monsoon winds had made the area cold .

After eating ice-cream we were going towards hotel that Ava asked "what happened ?"

I replied "I am feeling amazingly sleepy."

"Come on Allice ,enjoy even if you are tired "

"There's a kind of tired that needs a good night's sleep, and another that needs so much more. For me, one became the other, starting out as the "one night kind" until one day it was ever present - like it once was a heavy jacket but became heavy bones. It was then I knew that being tired could be a wearing of the emotions too, that it can come together with a tired body, and become an ingrained part of a life that isn't lived, but survived, endured. I wasn't born for that . We didn't come to be on a planet of such beauty and abundance to live like this, so drained, stressed, too thin to cope with life's storms and help others with theirs. When is the time for dancing, for play, laughter and long evenings of happy chatter? Because that is the medicine we all need: fun, friendship, good times. Perhaps most people are too tired to think of how to change these busy lives we lead, but me, I can't think of anything I'd rather spend my last ounces of energy on. In fact, hell, I'm willing to go into the bed." I replied.

"Ok Ok relax .You have made quit a long speech on way to hotel and we reached "

It was almost midnight so we were tired enough ,and we all went to sleep .

We went to our room and I went straight to the bed .

While according to me Ava was thinking about my words .She changed her clothes and turned off the light and said" You know I am quite lazy. Sometimes I wanna lay down but there is so much to do. Often times there is nobody who can really comprehend the effort it takes to do even a fraction of what I'm expected to achieve. So those jibes of "lazy," they sting a bit. I'm learning to let it slide when I can, have some self respect. After all, I realize the effort all this takes, I walk in these shoes."

I have almost slept and in sleepy voice I replied to her "Ava just sleep ,forgot about everything "

And we both slept .

Next day ,we both were fresh and were ready for enjoying the beauty .

After breakfast we decided to visit a beautiful lake .Because the lake was situated far away so it took us two hours to reach there .

The lake was as silver as diamond flame and the atmosphere was convent quiet. Even the depths were vodka clear. It was soothing and yogi still. Freckled trout were leaping for flies and thunking on its surface. .. I took a sip of water from a stream. It tasted like a sweet medicine, a potion for the spirit. I enjoyed watching the giant trees sway with each other as if they were moving towards nature's music. On my side of the lake, there was a choir of frogs chattering and birds chirping. I sang a little melody too, but the frogs and birds suddenly stopped, they must have disliked my tune. As I was about to rest my eyes a little, nature woke me up. The calming breeze tickled my ear lobes and I could faintly hear it whispering secrets to me.

Every time the wind passed by, it left behind a scent of maple and berries so strong that it made my nose twitch. It smelt heavenly organic yet delightfully tasty.

When I took a careful look at the lake, it looked similar to a heart shape; just one side was slightly bigger. The color of the water was like an innocent skyline-silver.

We sat their for some time in peace and ate a little snack and hot coffee and then we headed back towards the hotel because the louds were telling us that it is going to rain but we haven't brought any safety equipment for storm .