Chapter 16

Slowly, Anissa opened her eyes. She felt her arms bound and her neck ached. She couldn't even move an inch. The room was dimly lit. She could see the rays of the sun that can penetrated through the curtains reflect off in the mirror of dresser.

Her breath got caught in her throat when she saw Shehryaar sleeping beside her: she realized that her head was resting on his bare left breast; his chest was chiseled and muscular. She blushed deep scarlet when she that his left dark nipple was right in front of her eyes. His arm was snaked around her, bounding her arms together to that she wouldn't move. His chest moved up slightly in silent breathing causing Anissa's head to move as well.

Her heart began to pound as she realized that she was naked beneath the sheets. The previous night's events flashed in her mind. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried to calm down. Even now, her husband who was so close and his touch so strong had an immense effect on her.