Chapter 56

Anissa looked at the man kneeling beside her as he held his head between his hands.

When he had hit her, she was surprised and she wanted to react. But something flashed in her mind that caused her to become numb to his hits and her body took his abuse like it didn't affect her at all as if it wasn't the first time. But inside, her mind was panicking.

Ainnie ordered her to stay still and numb and so her body obeyed but not her mind.

What the hell! She thought in pure dread. Her heart was pacing and inside she was shaking.

She couldn't understand why he hit her. Why would he raise his hand on her?

He kept on ordering her to talk. To speak.

But how could she? Even when she herself wanted to talk but couldn't.

She wanted to rub her throbbing cheeks and raw throat but her hands wouldn't move.

Ainnie wouldn't allow her to.
