Chapter 62

Shehryaar woke up with a start.

For a moment, he felt completely disoriented.

I'm alive? That was the first thought that came to his mind. And his mind began to recall the moment before he lost unconsciousness:

My eyes wouldn't stay open. I'm trying my best to retain some shred of consciousness but this fucking blood loss is making me too weak.

Heaving, I sat against the wall and tried to balance myself but my mind was getting hazy and light.

I swallowed against the blood in my throat and slumps down to the ground.

I'm so tired.

The darkness is surrounding me, waiting for me to succumb to it. Funny, I was always surrounded by darkness and I loved it. I dwelled in it. I always found comfort in it.

But why is it that this darkness seemed intimidating? As if, surrendering to it will be the ultimate loss.

Was death calling to me?

Maybe. I had nothing to live for anyway.

The only thing I cared for and lived for was gone and probably won't come back and it's my fucking fault.