Chapter 67

Anissa rubbed her eyes because the sunlight was getting too bright for her eyes.

It was a bright morning today. Too bright and sunny.

Such an ironic contrast to how her entire being was; dark and despondent, filled with despair.

But she was afraid to close her eyes for long, afraid that the darkness might consume her and in the darkness, a monster lurked, waiting for her to come to him.

Only the brightness of the day seemed to calm her nerves down because it served as her escape from that monster.

The bright light of the day was calming; Calming but not comforting. It enabled her to forget for a few moments about the despair that surrounded her and gave her a chance to look at the world around her.

She embraced her legs close to her chest and rested her chin on top of her knees. Her eyes roamed around aimlessly until she fixed her gaze out of the window of the room, trying to look and observe the world around her.