Chapter 75

Anissa woke up in cold sweat.

Her eyes roamed the darkness around her.

'I'll get my old Anissa back.'

Her heart was hammering against her chest.

"I want to heal you.'

His eyes haunted her. Her blood ran cold.

And the sad and remorseful look in his eye awoke her sleeping conscience.

She sat upright and clutched her head in her hands, pulling her hair.

The loud crackle of the clouds outside caused her to jump. Her breath was shallow as she pants on air, feeling her lungs constrict.

The uneasy quivering of her soul, was eating her alive and the thoughts that she desperately tried to avoid came flooding in.

What have you done Ainnie? That small voice at the back of her head whispered. It wasn't up to you to decide or take such rash action.

No! She mentally screamed and shook her head as she pulled on her hair, bitter tears rising in her eyes and the pain in her stomach only validated the blame.