Chapter 98

His work all but forgotten, he sat behind his desk in deep contemplation.

What she said to him, most of it was true. He was surprised though, she showed so much strength. She even took in his harsh words without breaking down. He knew that he was being an asshole but he couldn't help it. His feelings were out in the open now.

But his heart, it wanted more. It wasn't satisfied with how things had gotten about.

But still, this wasn't how he had ever planned things would work. He wanted to have a good life with Anissa. If not a normal life then at least a good life. And for that, he knew he would have to compromise. And even though he didn't want to, he had no choice.

It was just a little compromise. A small voice whispered in his head. And he knew that. But he also knew that at that small gesture, it required something great. It required for him to let his guard down. And he didn't want that.