~ 96: A Hazardous Territory - Part 2 ~

We ate our food rather silently, with him picking at his food for most of the time. I ate hungrily, but in as ladylike a manner as possible. I had gotten rid of some of my exhaustion from the last night through my sleep and my breakfast, yet I still felt weak. Maybe, my weak body was not yet accustomed to the environment and the speed with which the events kept occurring.

"Eat more," he said, swirling the long noodles on his fork slowly.

"Why?" I asked inquisitively as I swiped my mouth on the napkin gracefully after cleaning my plate of the titbits. "I thought you didn't want to waste your money on me."

He set his fork down and scoffed. He stared at me for a few moments, either trying to access my mind or trying to say a mean comment with his hard eyes.