~ 149: Riddles ~

Mr Zacharia sat on his chair in a calm composure, his fingers moving quickly on the keyboard. I dipped my head, peeping in, and then knocked on the door with a small smile on my face.

"You're already in," he said nonchalantly.

"I'm still outside of the room, Sir. I couldn't not open the door to not show who had entered and on what important errand they have been sent for."

Lucas snickered quietly at my back and said, "Smart one."

He sighed and finally met my eyes with his hazel coloured ones. I gulped as I looked at them, and then shook off the thought that had to appear and make me forget the task I was here for.

"Come in," he said, tipping his head as he must have taken notice of the person behind me. "I suppose you must have something to tell me if you brought this brat along."

'Brat?' I questioned in my head. 'But Lucas was never...'