~ 155: Trials of Love - Part 2 ~

"Now show me," I demanded enthusiastically. "You put in your number in my phone as 'Cousin' and even gave a missed call to yours from it."

"I did that myself," he answered. "So in that way, you don't get to ask me for anything."

"You used some of the money in it to call yours. Why would you like to keep my number anyway when you can feel me through the bond and I can call you through the depth of it as well?"

"You never know when it can come into use without looking like a crazy person who summoned her cousin from thin air."

'This man,' I said with exasperation to my brain. 'Can I not be with him already? His love for me shall make me go insane than make me feel safe and comfortable around him.'

'You made that choice when —' my brain said with its authoritative voice.

'If you are going to scold me, get lost.'

"This is unfair," I commented. "You used the money there, you'll have to pay for it."