~ 168: Another Unprecedented Attack - Part 2 ~

I looked at the blood oozing out of his forehead like he was shot with a bullet. I didn't know if I should take a step back from the horrific sight or a step forward to keep away from the man who had done it.

'Save him,' my head shouted to wake me up from my shocked state. 'Get him up!'

'I don't even have my pendant to save him,' I uttered in my blank head that forgot all else except staring at the corpse-like figure beneath me.

'He won't wake up,' my brain told me, increasing the already growing anxiety and terror within it. 'It is not possible...'

The Witch's words echoed through my head once more like the waves of the sea she lived in. "I shall make every friend of yours suffer until you give in," she said with a cackle and disappeared from there, letting the tears blur my vision that kept gazing at Aidan's closed eyes and soundless body.