Jacob_ Chapter# 3( Neelam Collier)

"Where is my dress?" She asked to her mom. "I placed it in the cupboard yesterday ." She replied. "But I couldn't find it anywhere." She said in disturbed manner. She was little upset because she couldn't get her dress which she had to wear on the marriage ceremony of her friend. "Stay there, I would find it." Her mother consoled her. She began to search for dress into the cupboard but she couldn't. "No, it is not here." Her mom said. "Are you sure?" She asked . "Yes , but I placed the dress yesterday with my own hands in the cupboard . How can it be disappeared?" Her mother said. "Oh no , what would happen now." She said in completely disturbed manner . Tears of helplessness began to flow on her face. She was weeping not knowing that she was. Her mother said, "Why are you weeping ?" "Don't be so sad. I would bring another one for you." But she was still weeping . It was her favorite dress.

In the meantime , her sister Sara Collier came. She began to laugh at her . "Are you weeping Neelu ?" She asked laughing at her, "Just because of a dress," her sister Sara added . Her name was Neelam Collier and all at home called her Neelu as her nick name. "No, not at all." She replied clearing the tears from her face and eyes. Then, sara showed the dress to her. She was fully surprised and jumped with joy . "Where was it?" She asked Sara. "It was in the TV lounge." Sara replied. "Oh , now I remembered , I had placed it there yesterday." Her mom Rashmi Collier said. " "Sorry." "O, it's ok mom." Neelam said. "Thank God , you found it Sara." And she hugged her sister. "I can do everything for my younger sister." Sara said . And Neelam began to be dressed up for the party.

Neelam was the prettiest girl of her family. Everyone in her family loved her. She was at the age of 24 . Shy was the most innocent and sensitive girl in her family too. She began to weep at every little matter without even knowing that she was weeping. Her family consists of four members. She , her younger brother Rover Collier, her mother Rashmi and her sister Sara. She belonged to a middle class family. Her father Collier Star was died. Her mother used to job in a private sector to overcome the expenses . She was a brilliant student of Information Technology (IT). She lived in Groove Land City of Kerald . Kerald was the name of her country. She had a hard desire to seek admission to Supreme Institute of Technology (SIT) in Master Land Country. It was the highly ranked college of technology worldwide. Master Land was the Capital of countries in the Middle East those days. She had applied for a scholarship in SIT and was waiting for their response .