Jacob_chapter#7( Simon: I will kill Jacob)

Firing all around. "Dishoom...Dishoom....Dishoom..." the sound of firing . There was the sound of glass breaking , bullet falling sounds and many other sounds during the skirmish. They were attacking the Jacob Sartorius and they were fully prepared to kill the biggest criminal of the world.

He had made a lot of enemies. Some of them were known to him and some he had never meet because he had killed so many people that anyone could be his enemy.

He was standing along the window and enjoying his tea and reading something when they attacked. A sniper man from the other building which was close to Jacob's building pulled the trigger to shoot Jacob. In the meantime, his book fell down which he was reading. He bent down to pick the book up and the fire missed , with a smashing sound of glass breaking.

He was now alert which the attackers never wanted to happen but their misfortune that the bloody murderer was now alert.

"You missed the fire," said the captain to the sniper in horrific manner. "Yes, he suddenly bent down, what could I do sir," the sniper replied. "Get ready to die now," the captain said "this is an easy task to do. He would come and kill us all now, because of your mistake. But , don't worry, I'll kill you now." "No, no, I did all yo said. Don't do so," sniper begged. Captain shooted him in the skull and he died with the sound of bullet shell falling down.

"Fire," the captain ordered all of his man " on that bloody guy," he added. All began to shoot the Jacob Sartorius.

There was the sound of firing all the way. The sound of glass smashing from the Jacob's building and the sound of bullet shells falling on the floor. They had so many machine guns. And they were firing and firing altogether on a single person.

Jacob hid himself behind a wall. He was unable to move because there was firing all around. His weapons were about 3 to 5 meters away from him. He was waiting for their bullets to end . Some men were coming towards his flat on the building, fully weaponed.

Firing ends for a few seconds. "Reload," said the captain of the other men team " and keep an eye on him," he added. In the meantime, Jacob ran to pick his weapons up. "He is running captain," said a man. "Fire" ordered the Captain and they began to shoot him again. But he hid himself behind the cupboard, where his weapons were placed. He tried to pick his weapons and finally he picked them up.

The men coming towards his flat were on the door. They were trying to smash the door.

Jacob fitted a bomb on the flat and jumped down the 20th storey of the building with the help of a wire. In twenty seconds, there was a big explosion which destroyed that storey of the building.

"What was that?" asked the captain, "where are my men?" he was asking and asking. "Where is Jacob?" He lost his senses in fair of death. "We don't know, sir," replied his man. "Then, find him and kill him, otherwise he would kill us," he said very loudly and angrily.