How He Met Mia (Past Chapter)

Kai turned right just in time to dodge a hot ball of fire being shot at him by an armor-clad figure. Kai yelped in surprise as water appeared around him. As he tried to move away, he saw the red-haired woman smile and he figured that it was her deed.

But he wasn't about to give it as his demon wings burst through his back and helped him dodge the water. The seven figures looked at him in surprise as Kai flew over the water.

"You are a demon who is merged with five spirits. What a surprising thing to see." A shiny white-haired woman muttered.

As they were examining him, he took the time to examine them as well. Six of them were women while the last one was a man, at least that what the armor-clad figure looked like to Kai.

It was very hard to determine what gender the person was so Kai focused on the others.

The red-haired woman who had attacked Kai with water was the ruler of water while the armor one was definitely the ruler of fire.