The Tablet Of Samsara (End)

"This thing better be good or I am going to blow your head off." Sahara said as soon as the trio landed on an isolated place.

"Well, according to what Aizza has told me, the tablet is supposed to give you a boost of two reals at the least and the most value is unknown. It depends on the people who are using it." Kai explained as he took out the tablet and put it down in the middle of the trio so all of them could see it.

"Life is death and death is life. One will die and one will live. The cycle will go on forever and no one can stop it. If you found this tablet, then congrats. To use it, please smear the bottom of the tablet with your blood and this is required by all three people." Kai read as the three of them put some of their blood on the base of the tablet.

The tablet started glowing as the stone slowly started to crack. With a blinding flash of light, the stone crumbled away and three things came in front of the trio.