The Session Of A Noble And A Commoner (R-18)

Note - This chapter contains verbal foreplay. Don't read if you are not comfortable with such stuff.


"Ah! What are you doing, lord?" Qin asked in a shaking voice as Kai towered over her with a smile.

"Giving you your punishment peasant." Kai said while grinning as he placed his dragon in front of Qin's entrance.

"No my lord, you can't do that!" Qin suddenly exclaimed in fear as Kai gave her a cold smile.

"I can do anything I want and from now on, you are my personal slut, understood woman?" Kai asked as Qin fake-trembled.

"I... I... Ahh!~" Qin began but suddenly gave a cry of pain and pleasure as Kai pushed his dick inside her cave.

It ravaged through her tight virgin and went inside deep while gave another cry of pain and pleasure.

"Already losing yourself slut? I haven't even started the real thing." Kai said with a smug smile as Qin trembled for real.