Another Visit To The Mortal Realm (Optional Chapter)

"Are you trying to follow me with a joke or something?" Qin asked with as disbelief was clearly visible on her face.

"Someone must be mad to think up of such a tale unless it actually happened." Kai said out loud as Qin started rubbing her forehead while taking deep breaths.

"So what you just told me was all true?" She asked as she looked at Kai's completely serious face.

"Yes, it was all true." He replied as Qin looked bewildered.

"Just give me some time to absorb it all in." Qin said as Kai left her alone and moved out of her room.

He started walking towards the throne room when he bumped into Riang who had an annoyed expression on her face.

"There you are. I have been searching for you this whole time." Riang said with an accusing expression as Kai raised his eyebrows.

"Is there an emergency?" He asked as Riang shook her head.