Imposter In The Library (1)

"Secret? Don't tell me you get stronger every time you orgasm?" Kai asked with a blank face as Sahara shook her head.

"I wish it was that strong but no. Since you already know that my strength depends on my pride, I don't need to explain to you about that. But what you should know is that I have never used my full potential."

"I think you should have told me this when we were on the mortal realm or when we didn't have a crisis."

"Just listen. My true demon powers can be upped a notch if I try to raise them. But it requires immense focus and if that focus breaks, let's just say that I will go wilder than usual and might cause a mass massacre. I already had this power in the past though so I know how useful it is." Sahara added as Kai sighed.

"So basically, you want me to create a barrier strong enough to hold you in case such a thing happens?" Kai asked while raising his eyebrows as Sahara nodded. "Then I guess we are going to become stronger."