Meeting End

"Wow…" Death muttered with a wide-open mouth as the five of them stood in front of a 5 room house.

The two deities were also surprised to see the place like this. Last they had checked, End was living in a palace comparable to the palace of the divine emperor in the imperial realm.

Kai on the other hand understood why End had reduced the entire palace to a small thing. It was because she was feeling lonely in the too big palace.

When Kai had been with her, they had only used a few rooms in the palace but it had been fun to live in such a huge place.

The golden-haired man could understand the creator of the end had only kept all of those rooms in the end while waiting for him to return.

'It saddens me to see how things end up like this.' He thought with a sigh as he remembered the things that had happened over time.