Expelled From Sect

"You, Mike boy! What did you do this time to cause this flash flood?" The old man broke the string that caught his leg, then swam to the shore while dragging the boy.

"I- I didn't do anything! I just went fishing and accidentally saw a stone dam. I got lots of fish there. However, that hateful beaver! That annoying animal looted my fish. This flash flood is because the beaver's stone dam isn't decent enough." Mike defended himself with righteousness, and he was confident in it.

'Beaver? Stone dam? What even more ridiculous excuses this brat puts out.' The old man muttered in his mind as if he couldn't believe Mike's words.

Evidence and help came to those who said the truth, the beaver in question was also swept away by the river current, drifting closer.

"Growl, grunt, grunt..."

Right after hearing that disturbing noise, Mike's eyes lit up at the exact second. He pointed at the brownish-furred animal not far from him. "That's the culprit, master! That's the beaver I mentioned earlier."

The old man just rolled his eyes. Believe it or not, he just wanted to immediately go to the river bank. Drifting up to the waterfall wasn't a good idea.

Meanwhile, the beaver was finally tired after fighting the strong current. While being dragged by the rushing flow, the beaver's eyes sparkled at the sight of two humans. Hoping to get a ride, the beaver swam to them with all its might.

"Growl, grunt." Without asking permission, the beaver grabbed whatever it was.

"What? Good beaver!" Mike was surprised when something tugged at his pants. But, he smirked shortly after.

"Ho-ho. Instead of running away, you approached me? Because of you, we are swept away by the flash flood, and I haven't had breakfast until this very second! Go away, get lost, and drift to the ends of the world." Slowly but surely, Mike removed the beaver's fingers from his pants.

However, the beaver's struggle couldn't be underestimated. The beaver wouldn't let go of its life-saving pants just like that.

"My pants will sag! Release your grip this instant, or I will be angry." Mike felt a flicker of irritation and swung his leg repeatedly.

"Grunt, growl, squawk..." It was the last sound of the beaver before it drifted away and disappeared somewhere.

Mike grinned happily as the hateful beaver freed his pants before he became partially naked. "Hahaha, feel it! It's called karma because of your actions, beaver. Shame on you."

The old man didn't know what to say. The scene just now sounded ridiculous to his ears, but he didn't dwell on it much longer.

He just swam to the riverbank and finally arrived. The heart's intention to check on the boy's condition, but he swept away with this boy's lousy luck instead. What a day if the antonym was enforced upon himself.

"Woah, big thanks, master. You are really my savior. Anyway, how come you were in that tree branch? I could easily have saved myself if my fishing line got caught in there." Mike stood and looked at the old man before him with a big smile.

"Haah... I intended to save you who was dragged by the current. You threw your fishing line, and it was wrapped around my leg, then you already know how it goes." The old man could only heave a sigh. He made a few hand movements, and his robe became dry instantly. Then, he walked away after doing the same to the boy.

"Thank you so much, master. I really feel grateful. The Gods and Goddesses must be smiling at you and will bless you, master." Mike followed his master with an innocent expression.

'Smile at me? Perhaps, it's more of a laughing stock instead. If your misfortune and bad luck can be categorized as a blessing, then the Gods and Goddesses must be just pranking on you.' The old man looked at the sky. He hoped that the Gods and Goddesses would give a little mercy to this poor boy.

However, he suddenly remembered something from the back of his mind. "Mike boy, how old are you now?"

"Wait a moment, let me count. Eh? What's the date now?" Mike scratched his head. He couldn't remember the date from the calendar anymore.

The old man tried to remember for a moment before giving an answer. "Hmm... February 29th."

"Wow, today is the day I turn... Four?" Mike was confused by himself. His birthday every four years, after all.

"Four? You're a big boy. How could it be four years old?" The old man gave Mike a perplexed look.

"Yes, four. Literally, that's right. To be honest, today is my birthday. Am I going to get a present from you, master?" Mike stretched out his hands, asking for a gift with hope.

"Wait, today is your birthday?" The old man was a bit surprised, but happiness glowed inside him. In response to that, Mike just nodded.

"February 29th is a rare day that occurs once every four years. It's called a leap year. If so, then you're 16, not 4, Mike boy. Ahem, let's go back. We'll have a little important conversation." Having said that, the old man quickened his pace as if there was a treasure waiting for him.

"Aye." Mike immediately ran to follow his master with a jubilant expression. He thought he would get a gift this year... What a beautiful leap year.

A few moments later, they arrived at a magnificent and glorious temple, then headed straight to a particular quarter. They entered into a room where the old man and Mike used to live.

The old man glanced up at the ceiling, or preferably at the patch with charred remains around it. It was still vivid in his mind about how shocked he was when a flash of lightning suddenly shot down as the sun shone brightly in the sky last week.

After heaved a sigh, the old man sat on his wooden chair. "Mike boy, please sit down. I have something to tell you."

Mike had the urge to rub his hands together with a happy chuckle, but he didn't really do that. He just sat with a seiza position on the cushion seat right in front of his master, waiting silently.

"Mike, Mikelle Fortuna. Today is your fourth year studying martial arts at this sect, and it has been two years since you have been under my tutelage. However, there are things I need to tell you." The old man said that with a firm gaze.

"Yes, master. This disciple is all ears." Mike put his hand on his thigh, feeling a little tense.

"Do you know the rules in our sect regarding someone who has not yet ascended to the Profound Spirit Realm after turning 16 years old?" The old man leaned back and tapped the handle of his chair.

When that sentence came out, Mike was shaken instantly. He was 16 years old, and he had not yet ascended to the Profound Spirit Realm. In the four years he studied in this prominent sect by coincidence, he could only reach the peak stage Elementary Spirit Realm. So, it was time for him to leave?

"So, it's about the time, huh..." Mike clenched his fists, feeling talentless.

"Pack your things, and you can leave this temple." The old man came straight to the conclusion. He didn't want to say much.

"This disciple understands. Thank you for your guidance during the past two years, master." Mike took the wooden badge from his robe and placed it in front of him. Then, he gave a bow of respect and excused himself.

The old man stared at Mike's back in silence. He sighed as he remembered the boy who seemed so blessed at first. Still, at the end of the day, that boy was just an ordinary person with no talent other than a bearer of misfortune.

'Well, at least one load is gone. I can return to live in peace and free from bad luck.' The old man rose from his chair and took Mike's badge. He looked out of the window to see the disciples under his tutelage who were doing their morning exercises.

Just as the old man was about to go to the courtyard to guide his promising disciple, the patch on the ceiling peeled off noiselessly and immediately fell, along with several tiles.

*Bonk* *Bonk* *Bonk*

Three consecutive strikes hit the old man's head. It was so soundless yet stealthy like the assassins, and the old master couldn't even avoid it before everything was too late.


The old man fell unconscious like a doll whose rope had just broken.

Meanwhile, Mike had just walked away from his master's quarter with a heavy heart. He recalled everything he had done in the last four years.

He was nothing more than a disciple that was lucky enough to be accepted into Ataraxia Temple, one of Japan's hidden sects, as a disciple.

Apart from looking for his own food and working hard to get something, he was just a punching bag for other disciples.

By the time Mike headed to the hut where he had lived for four years, a group of disciples also happened to be around. They immediately approached Mike with a grin when they happened to see him.