Treasure in the Garden

Kisa, Asako, and Mike returned to the mansion and went straight to Yuna's room. The morning was still tranquil around five o'clock in the morning. The air temperature was still quite cold because it was the end of winter.

*Knock* *Knock*

Kisa knocked on the door several times, but she got no answer. Then, she decided to speak. "Ojou-sama, are you awake? Can we talk for a moment?"

"Mm, I woke up because of you, Kisa. What are you doing this early in the morning-" Yuna opened the door to her room while rubbing her eyes. Yet, she couldn't finish her sentence because she saw that Mike was also there.

Therefore, she immediately checked what she was wearing. Sure enough, she was still in her warm pajamas. However, she felt quite embarrassed because she was pretty messy, including her hair.

"Please wait a moment. Allow me to make my appearance more pleasing to the eye." Yuna closed the door again. She immediately looked at her messy hair and also changed into something more attractive.

Yuna herself didn't realize it. She subconsciously wanted to attract Mike's attention, plus she didn't want to look ugly in Mike's eyes.

"Oh my..." Kisa covered her mouth with a mischievous smile. She glanced at Mike and only got a confused look. Therefore, she decided to keep quiet, but only for the time being.

It didn't take more than two minutes until Yuna opened her bedroom door again. She came out in a casual dress that was more pleasing to the eye than her crumpled pajamas earlier.

"Mm, what's with the three of you coming to me in the morning like this?" Yuna gave Kisa a questioning look.

"So, this is what happened--" Kisa then reported what just happened to her young lady. An unusual thing that Mike encountered during his morning practice.

"Mysterious blue thread? It's like a thin stream of air leading to a place underground, hmm..." Yuna tried to recall about this mansion and what might be buried underground.

"Is that true, Mike-san?" Yuna asked for confirmation to be sure.

"Yes, that's what happened when I was testing out one of my untapped abilities earlier." Mike nodded in response.

"Hmm..." Yuna tapped her chin and tried to remember something again.

Unfortunately, she couldn't find any clue from her memory. Kisaragi Mansion originally belonged to her late mother. It had been renovated and beautified by her after it was passed on to her.

"Let's go see Grandpa Alfred. He knows more about this mansion than I do." Yuna suggested, and no one objected to it. Thus, she and the others went to a room not far away.

Unexpectedly, just before Kisa knocked on the door, Alfred opened it. He was already wearing a neat butler outfit.

"O-hm? Good morning. You're all so excited this morning, hm? Would you mind sharing a little of that with me?" Alfred slightly widened his eyes and smiled a little.

"With pleasure, Grandpa Alfred. However, it would be better if Mike-san explained it. Mike-san, please." Kisa asked Mike to explain it.

Then, with no other choice, Mike explained about the mysterious blue thread to the old butler. However, this time with a little more detail than the one Kisa explained to Yuna.

"One of your abilities, hmm... That's hard for me to conclude with just an explanation. Let's go to that garden to confirm it in person." Alfred suggested under consideration.

"Yes, that's what we will do. Let's go there." Yuna asked Mike to walk first, then she followed beside him. The others just followed closely behind.

Arriving at one of the cherry blossoms trees in the garden, Mike pointed to a spot on the ground. He already marked it. "Yeah, that mysterious blue thread just led to this point."

"Are you still able to see the mysterious blue thread with your ability, Mike-sama? Can you use your eye ability one more time?" Alfred looked down and asked to be sure.

"Okay." Mike didn't really mind that, so he immediately used his Elemental Sight. The mysterious blue thread suddenly appeared in his sight as expected. "Yeah, it's still there and it's going underground."

At that moment, Isei and Yukiko just happened to wake up. They looked out the window only to find a small group in the garden.

For that reason, they immediately changed their clothes and rushed out of the mansion to join the others.

"Magnificent. So, this is your eye's ability. It will be a great ability that will help you a lot if you hone this one skill of yours properly, Mike-sama." Alfred looked into Mike's eyes for a few seconds and concluded.

He didn't know for sure about Mike's eye ability. Still, he understood very well that all eye abilities were categorized as rare abilities that couldn't be possessed by just anyone with outstanding talent.

"Ah-um, thank you." Mike scratched his head with a bit of thought. Perhaps, this old butler immediately understood his Elemental Sight more than he had with just one look?

Alfred examined the ground for a moment. He couldn't remember anything that might be buried near this cherry blossoms tree. "Asako, can you use your telekinesis to dig in this spot? Let's find out what that mysterious blue thread wants to show."

"Sure, Grandpa Alfred." Asako came closer and knelt beside Alfred.

She made a circular motion with her index finger to the cross symbol on the ground. At the same time, she used her telekinesis to lift as much soil as possible.

Mike was surprised to see a three-meter earth pillar and fifty centimeters in diameter lifted into the air instantly. So, one of Asako's abilities was telekinesis, the same one that had restrained all of his movements a while ago.

"Powerful." Mike muttered under his breath, almost like a mosquito whisper, and no one heard that either.

He even forgot to question why this old butler was suddenly referred to as Grandpa Alfred. Yuna was also like that. Although he remembered that Yuna referred to this old butler as Alfred yesterday.

"Good morning. What's going on in the garden with all this festivities? Please allow me to join." Isei raised his hand in greeting.

"Good morning." Yukiko gave a greeting out of courtesy.

"Ah, you came just in time, Isei-kun. Help me to find the treasure down there." Asako gave a small smile to greet the gardener.

"The treasure in the garden that I have taken care of like my own nephew? I'm at your service Asako-sama!" Isei immediately rushed over as if every second was precious.

Mike could see this talkative gardener only touching the ground for a few seconds, and a reasonably large hole instantly formed there. Earth elemental esper? Perhaps, it had something to do with it.

"Wow, what did I find there? I can see a shiny object down there! Treasure, I'm coming to save you!" Isei jumped down into the hole without hesitation.

By the time Isei climbed out of there, all attention was on him. However, for some reason, his expression of excitement and passion suddenly turned slightly disheveled with disappointment? What did he find down there? Was it not a treasure or something significant?