Would You like a Hug?

Mike lay on his bed and looked up at the ceiling. He looked back at everything that happened on this day. It was only his first day at the Kisaragi Clan's mansion, but he had been confronted by so many events in just a short amount of time.

'An hour before midnight. I'd better get some quality rest because there's an extreme training waiting for me tomorrow morning.' Mike decided to sleep, but not before checking his system's screen.

Apart from the reduced duration of the quests, nothing had changed much from what he remembered. However, one thing that made him smile was the information on the bottom left of his vision.

<| Miss Fortune (1): Kisaragi Yuna (25/100 | Attraction) |>

'Yatta! I managed to raise Yuna's affection point. At least, this is good news that will send me to dreamland. Good evening, lady system.' Mike sent goodnight and closed his eyes with a smile on his face. He didn't wait for the lady system to reply as he knew he wouldn't receive any response.

It was the first day and the second night for Mike to stay at Kisaragi Mansion. If he recalled what had happened in the last five years, these moments were the ones that made him feel the most peaceful and at ease.

Birds chirping enliven the day like a melodious hum under the warm touch of the morning sun. Mike woke up at five as usual because it was his routine to get up early.

"Fwaah, a new day and a new passion for training. I have three days before the night battle in the arena." Mike jumped off his bed and did a little stretching. He then smirked while looking at his reflection in the mirror. "I'll make that silk pants brat pays dearly for bothering Yuna and offending me."

An instant later, Mike's expression immediately changed to the casual one. He changed into casual clothes and went outside the mansion to do a little warm-up exercise.

It was just a ten-minute warm-up, but Mike decided it was enough because he needed to save some energy for intense training with Alfred and the others.

"You are indeed a diligent man, Mike-sama. I anticipate a moment where you will soar in power." The soft voice of a girl suddenly greeted from behind.

It gave Mike a bit of a shock. He was too focused on regulating the flow of energy in his body while rejuvenating his muscles with simple techniques.

"Ah, it's you, Asako-san. You gave me a bit of a shock because I didn't notice your presence." Mike put his hand on his chest to greet with a smile.

"Hehe, good morning, Mike-sama. It's because you're concentrating too much on your dance-like exercises. If I may ask, what technique did you use just now, Mike-sama? I'm sure that it wasn't just the usual warm-up moves. " Asako clasped her hands and tilted her head slightly with a clueless expression.

"I don't know. I was just copying the training of the seniors in my former sect with slight modifications." Mike wiped his sweat with a towel as he answered.

"Eh? You don't know and it's from your former sect? I'm afraid that I don't understand what you mean, Mike-sama." Asako was taken back. She didn't know if Mike didn't know or just didn't want to tell her.

"Hm, yes, as I said. To be honest, not many techniques were taught to me. It was me figuring out the techniques I could use in the jutsu arsenal and learning them myself. Besides, there's only me who learns things through mere observation and private practice." For some reason, Mike felt a little proud. He even smiled slightly to give his answer.

Unfortunately, that smile meant something else in Asako's eyes. Despite the shock and confusion, she felt sorry that Mike was actually wasted by his former sect.

"Please forgive me for saying this, but your former sect has treated you so badly, Mike-sama. They squandered all your talents and abilities left untouched without any attention. Is it the treatment of the high-class sects to their new disciples? It's really terrible." Asako put her hand on her upper chest and opened her mouth with a concerned expression.

"Ah-uh, well..." Mike was at a loss for words. He didn't expect that Asako could describe things like that. Even so, he couldn't deny that statement because most of it was what he experienced.

"I can't represent to other sects, but that's what I experienced. Maybe, they really don't see me as talented? Anyway, I'm not one of them anymore. Let's close the conversation about my former sect and move on to something else. ." Mike shook his head slightly and heaved a subtle sigh.

"Understood, thanks for letting me know, Mike-sama. However, please give me a clarification on one thing. This is important to me and probably everyone." Asako nodded in understanding, but she didn't change her expression.

"Okay, carry on." Mike didn't know why, but he just decided to walk closer to Asako. Perhaps, what she wanted to ask was something really important.

"What are your views on your former sect now, Mike-sama? Do you still feel and hold something against them?" Asako looked straight into MIke's blue eyes.

"My views, hmm... I don't feel any attachment to them in any way. Ever since my former sect's badge was returned to my former master, I am who I am. My former sect literally only gave me a place, but many of them treated me like a servant, and the others just didn't care.

I train and forage myself like survival in the wild. I am aware of that. There is no sense of kinship that remains even though I was there for four years. Oh, I'm sorry. I became telling a boring story." Mike closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. He doesn't know why, but he just suddenly gets the urge to confide.

'Why did I reveal it to Asako-san like that? Is it because she looks like a gentle yet kind big sister? Or maybe, it's just because I don't have anyone ask me like this?' Mike wondered in his mind without knowing the answer.

However, he felt his cheeks suddenly held by delicate hands. Thus he opened his eyes right away. Asako was there, staring at his face with a tender expression.

"No, please don't close your eyes and look down. Your former sect may have disappointed and neglected you, but we are all people with issues and problems.

That's why Yuna-sama built the Kisaragi Clan's core members. So that we can all help each other. And you are part of us. I know that there is more to it than what is said. It's okay. It's all over. Would you like a hug?" Asako tried to reassure with gentle words. She then let go of Mike's cheeks.

Mike widened his eyes slightly. He didn't expect to hear consoling words from someone, and the one he'd only known for less than two days.

He looked at Asako's gentle expression and then her open arms. It was as if she were expecting him to hug her.

"Uhm, I'm sweating quite a bit, Asako-san. Maybe, next time. Anyway, thanks. Have you finished cooking? Let me help you." Mike looked to the side to hide his embarrassment. He immediately changed the topic of conversation.

"Oh my, fufu... Then, next time, is it?" Asako giggled and covered her mouth, but there was a glint in her eyes. "Actually, I was waiting for an agent to send the groceries. But, I saw you were practicing and I came to watch. Supposedly, she will come in a bit. Would you like to go there with me, Mike-sama?"

"All right." Mike nodded in agreement. He and Asako then walked together toward the entrance gate.