Schedule for the Day

Alfred came out of nowhere a few moments later and landed near the bonfire. "Thank goodness you're back, Minako-sama."

"Mm, it's all thanks to Mike-sama. But, why do you seem to have the smell of blood, Master Alfred? Are you hurt?" Minako covered her mouth as she watched Alfred from top to bottom.

"Hm? How did you find Minako-sama, Mike-sama?" Alfred faced Mike because he didn't want to answer Minako.

"I found Minako-sama around the gloomy forest which gave me the worst feeling. I used my eyes ability to find her in the dark. She was following a red-eyed and faceless creature. Do you know anything about it, Sir Alfred?" Mike folded his arms as he felt little goosebumps at the thought of that happening.

"A red-eyed and faceless creature, huh? Why did such a creature even come here and why did Minako-sama go out of my protective talisman zone?" Alfred frowned and looked at Minako with a questioning look.