First Healing Experiment (3)

"What do you mean, my lord?" Sun Yu was stunned for a moment. She wanted to see the villagers lose everything because of the volcanic eruption.

If she was going to end up as the sacrifice, she would be happy to see the villagers devoured by hot lava too.

However, instead of being sacrificed for the Mountain God, she actually became a servant for a 'God'. She was even treated fairly as a human being. She was even promised to be healed if she obeyed this 'God' command.

"Like what you told me before. I can see your deep hatred toward the villagers. Tell me, if a volcanic eruption occurred, and the villagers ended up running away for safety, what would you do?" Mike repeated his question in a relaxed tone.

To be honest, he was in awe of this girl because of what she was going through. Looking back on what he went through in the past five years... Maybe, he was just suffering from nightmares and torments while this girl went through hell and humiliation.