Help a Neighbor

"Yo, neighbor-san. What are you doing?" Mike raised his hand in greetings.

"Who!? Oh, is that you, my new neighbor from last night?" The suspicious man flinched slightly, but he sighed when he saw who greeted him.

"Well, it's us. Thanks for your warning bag last night. However… you still look emaciated, as if malnourished. Have you eaten yet? Hey, why do you look panicked and agitated? Can you tell us a little bit?" Mike was a little worried about this man. After all, he didn't want his neighbors to starve to death for no apparent reason.

"Sshh... Please don't speak loudly. I feel like I'm being toyed with by them right now. They might kidnap me and keep me in the darkroom for their toy. They might try to buy me with money, or will they sell me for money?" The suspicious man looked left and right with a troubled heart.