Wylmes Box

Mike opened his eyes and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost noon, and his body actually felt achy and a bit heavy.

The drowsiness and tiredness had disappeared, but something else came over as if replacing the old pain with a new one.

'I only walked a few kilometers last night. It's impossible for my body to be like this. I used to go up and down Mount Ataraxia for five years!' Mike wondered why he felt achy and heavy.

Mike tried to check his status screen. There was a difference, namely a new passive skill he got, maybe while sleeping.

'Could it be, my body feels sore and heavy because of this new passive skill? But, Treasure Hoarders? And, I'm a hunter. So, I'm a treasure hunter now?' Mike smirked sarcastically and decided to ask about his new passive skill using the chat system.