Today is January 18, 2010. I had received an impromptu message over the weekend that Distance Learning form of University of Ibadan would close in 10 days' time.

So I have been running here and there since the weekend to find money to obtain the form and buy phone because my phone was already faulty. The phone was very important to receive regular information about the programme and update. I received the form information late because my phone was faulty, so none of my friends at Ibadan could reach me on phone. I had to go unto the school portal that weekend using cybercafé to obtain the information.

Kinky hardly saw me around, so she was forced to ask what was keeping me out of her reach but I told her not to worry for I would soon solve it and we would be together again.

She asked me not to hide this one from her, so I explained everything including my plans to get 50,000 out of the money I loaned one of my friends who was a business man. I even told her how he had asked me to come for it this evening. She said "Good one, but continue to update me on it day by day" I replied her by saying "As your lordship pleases." She smiled as she hits my chest with her knuckle and said "Na you sabi, which means if you say so." Then I said "As for the update, it is most likely that I travel next tomorrow, which is 20th of this month." She hits my head and said "So if I didn't ask, you wouldn't have deemed it fit to tell me." "How will I not tell you, my Angel" I tickled her cheek as I replied. "I have not even informed the management but I will do that today." I added. She looked at me and asked "What about your students and class?"

I stood, in preparation, to go for class as I replied by saying "I have elected the fastest learners in every batch as batch governors to stand in for me as they would revise those topics that the slow learners were yet to fully comprehend." And then she also asked "What about me." I smiled as I said "I have arranged The Microsoft Office Instructor to be your companion for the time being." She smiled and said "I see why you said I should not fight her, so she has been the part of your plans to keep my company whenever you are not around." "You got it perfectly" I said it as I was already on my way to commence my morning class. After my morning class, I informed the management about my plans to further my education and the arrangement I have made to occupy the students the day I would be absent through an official letter.