Today is February 26, 2010. It was Friday, I always feel happy on Fridays. I don't know why, may be because we are going into weekends, light work and so on.

When I had finished my afternoon class, I relocated to the class behind the front office. Opeyemi was already there with The Microsoft Office Instructor, so I was discussing with Microsoft Office Instructor with 200 in my hand. All of a sudden, the money was snatched and so I turned to discover it was Opeyemi that snatched the money. So I thought maybe she needed money to buy something. I now said "Don't worry we can split it into two, you take hundred while I myself will take hundred" But she replied by saying "I don't need it and I need it" I asked "what do you mean?" She said "If you can take it where I will put it, it's yours and if not, it's mine" I now said "There is no where you put it, that I cannot take it." She then proceeded by putting it in the back pocket of her jean. I held her hand and as I was about to remove it from her back pocket, she removed it with the other hand and put it in her brassiere. I realized that the money had taken refuge in a no-go arena as it was deepened beneath one of her protruded bristols and that made me to draw back a little bit, saying "That one is beyond my power". I didn't know that Kinky was in the front office watching everything through the transparent glass that demarcated the two classes.

Before I knew it Kinky had reached the scene raging seriously, accusing me of pressing her boobs and buttocks. She further rained abusive words on Opeyemi. Words like "unscrupulous nonentity", "dick-chasing apprentice", "irresponsible IT student" graced her lips. It was so dramatic that I had to take her away from the scene to my relaxing spot to persuade her. But all glory be to God Almighty, for he helped me to solve it amicably.

By the end of the month of January, I had paid her 20,000 out of the money I withdrew from her account to obtain my DLC UI form and phone, she had registered for the CCNA exams and I have been monitoring her progress on both written and packet trace simulated practical workouts. So I engaged her with her exams preparations to fully and finally quench the temper.

At the end of the test, both of us were laughing. I felt so glad to make her happy again. She then looked at me and said "On several accounts, I do tell you I love you. Can you do the same for me?" I replied by saying "I will try, you know fingers are not equal, so also human beings. I'm not just so conversant with saying it like that, I will only say it as when it is most needed."

She looked at me and pulled my cheeks as she said "Don't you know that by saying it repeatedly reassures your lover of your constant love." "I will try" I replied. She tossed her neck forward as she tweaked her lips and said "When last did you tell me you love me?" "Last time I checked, it wasn't long" I responded.

She looked at me and said "How can you know? If you asked me, I still told you day before yesterday. Can you feel how close that was?" "Yes I can feel it, feeling it in my soul baby" I replied. She said "If I can help you out, the last time was the day you ran your mouth on me like Parrot and later came to woo instead of apologizing. Which man does that?" "Very bad sharp guy does that" I responded. "Little wonders, it is your very bad sharp guy attitude that made you to be pressing Opeyemi's boobs and yanch (buttocks) abi." She replied me. I said "Ah! How many times do I have to tell you that I didn't press her buttocks let alone to press her boobs? You just want to implicate me for nothing."

She said "Is that not why I want to give you a life jacket, so as not to be swept away by these unpredictable rivers." "What life jacket?" I asked "If you have been telling your wife-to-be I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, often and often, would you not remember that your girlfriend is somewhere before you started doing nonsense with that small girl." I looked at her as I said "I think you need another round of test." "Let us put the test aside. I even want to discuss a very important issue with you" She said. I responded by asking "What issue?" "It is the same issue I have been discussing with you concerning wedding, you know I'm already a graduate. At this time and with my age, my parents are expecting me to get married. I know that you are not well paid here put it doesn't mean that you cannot get better job elsewhere. Besides, I'm already processing another place and its pay is higher than this one. Together we can make it happen. Better still, you are already working on your degree. My dear, you have a bright future." She said as she tickled my cheeks. "Thank you my love, I appreciate your words of encouragement and your support all the time. The best thing that I pray for all the time is for both of us to get married. I want you to be the mother of my kids, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. If not for my education that was delayed by unavoidable circumstances, there wouldn't have been a cause for alarm. I want you to please reason with me very well on this matter, to be wedded is very simple and easy. Family, friends, well-wishers, relatives, all and many more will support but the moment we entered into the stream of marriage it is just both of us. And as a man, I must be responsible for my family. After marriage and honeymoon, the next thing is to enter into the business of giving birth to children and child-raising. Responsibility will continue to increase and my academic career is also there. Please let us do it one after the other." I responded. She said "Are you telling me to wait for five (5) years which is the duration for the course you put in for at UI?"

I looked at her and said "It is not going to be up to that time, it's just for me to concentrate and focus on the course for the first 3 years to build my CGP." "Why would you say that? Do you want me to turn to grandma before I get married? What of menopause, another factor that is knocking every time?" She said it angrily and added by saying "You have never gotten admission, you were pressing boobs and buttocks, now that you have got admission into UI, who knows what you will be doing there. I even dreamt that you married two wives, you better be careful because you are too sexually active." "All is well my dear, just be optimistic and hold on for me." I responded.