Part 9

The purification device… Correction, Aqua had been placed in the lake for 2 hours.

There was no sign of any monsters attacking her.

Darkness, Megumin and I stayed on land about 20 meters from Aqua to watch over her.

I yelled at Aqua who was soaked in the lake.

"Hey– Aqua! How is the purification going? Is it cold staying in the lake? Give a holler if you want to go to the rest room! I will let you out of the cage–!"

I yelled from afar, and Aqua yelled back.

"Purification is proceeding smoothly! And I don't need to go to the rest room! Arch priest doesn't go to the rest room!"

Aqua said something idols in the old days would say.

I was worried about her since she had been in the water for quite a while, but she seemed to be doing fine.

"There seems to be no problems. By the way, Crimson magic clansmen don't need to use the washroom either."

Megumin said without me asking.

You and Aqua were always eating so much, where did all that stuff go… I felt like retorting."

"As a crusader, I also don't… need to go… Ugh…"

"Darkness, don't compete with these two. For Megumin and Aqua who insist they don't need to use the restroom, I will accept a quest that can't be completed in a day to confirm if they really don't need to use the washroom.

"Don't, don't do that okay? The crimson magic clan really don't use the washroom! But I apologize, so don't do that… By the way, the brutal alligators are not coming, it would be great if things ends peacefully like this."

Megumin said something that definitely raised a flag.

And as if on cue, ripples appeared somewhere on the lake.

In term of size, it was about the same as alligators on earth.

But it was a monster after all, so there was some difference with earth's alligators.

"Ka, Kazuma–! Something is coming over! Nah, lots of things are coming here!"

Seemed like the alligator of this world moved in a group.

— 4 hours since purification began–

Aqua simply soaked herself in the water in the beginning and use the passive skill of the goddess to purify the lake. But she probably wanted to finish the purification sooner and head back, so she had been chanting purification magic nonstop.

"'Purification'! 'Purification', 'Purification'–!

A large group of alligators was surrounding Aqua's cage and gnawing at it.

"'Purification'! 'Purification'–! The cage is creaking! It's creaking! The cage, cage is making weird sounds!"

Aqua screamed in the cage, but we couldn't blow them away with explosion magic either, so we couldn't do anything about it.

"Aqua–! Tell us if you want to give up–! If you want to give up, we will drag you along with the cage with the chain–!"

I had been shouting that towards the cage for some time now, but Aqua refused to abort the quest despite being terrified.

"I, I don't wanna! Giving up now means wasting the time I spent so far, and not being able to collect the bounty! 'Purification'! 'Purification'–! … Waahhahhh–! There was a cracking sound! The cage made a sound it shouldn't be making!"

Aqua screamed in tears while the brutal alligator that surrounded her didn't even look at us.

Darkness mumbled to herself as she looked at the situation over there.

"… Staying in that cage seemed rather good…:

"… You better not go there!"

— 7 hours after purification began–

The battered cage was alone in the lake.

There were bite marks all over the cage after the brutal alligators attacked it.

The purification was probably done, so the brutal alligator left the cage and moved upstream.

The sound of Aqua chanting purification spell couldn't be heard anymore.

Or rather, about an hour ago, we did not hear Aqua who was surrounded by the brutal alligators make any sound.

"… Hey Aqua, are you alright? The brutal alligators had left for some other place."

We approached the cage to check on how Aqua was doing.

"… Sniff… Ugh… Hic…"

If you were so terrified and cried while hugging your knees, you should have given up the quest earlier…

But it was hard to blame her under the circumstances.

"Good girl, the purification is done, let's go back. I had discussed with Darkness and Megumin, we won't take the reward this time. The 300,000 is all yours."

The shoulders of Aqua who buried her face between her knees trembled.

But she didn't want to come out from the cage.

"… Hey, it's time to come out of the cage, all the brutal alligators are gone."

When she heard me, Aqua said something softly.

"… Directly like this…"


"What did she say?"

"… She said, the world outside the cage is scary, so bring her back to town directly like this."

… Seemed that after hunting toads, this quest had left deep psychological trauma in Aqua's heart too.

"Do Na Do Na Do– Na– Do– Na–…"

"Eh… Hey Aqua, we are already back in town, can you stop singing that song? We are gathering a lot of attention just by dragging a battered cage with a woman hugging her knees inside. And it's safe back in town, it's about time you come out."

"Don't wanna. This is my holy realm. The world outside is scary, I don't want to come out for now."

The horse dragged the cage with Aqua who refused to come out inside.

We completed the quest safety and returned to town. Under the gaze of the townsfolk, we head for the guild.

Because Aqua who don't want to come out and walk, our speed was slow despite the horse helping to drag the cage.

But aside from the psychological trauma, there was no damage worth mentioning.

Although I wanted to try out my equipment and spells, it was still great to finish the quest leisurely.

Completing the quest without any issues was great…

Maybe it was because I raised a flag with my thoughts.

"God, goddess-sama! Isn't this goddess-sama? What are you doing in such a place!"

A man suddenly shouted and rushed to Aqua who shut herself inside the cage and grab the bars.

And amazingly, the bars that held up to the bites of the brutal alligator was bent easily by this guy and he offered a hand to Aqua.

Ignoring Megumin and me who were dumbstruck, the unknown man reached for the speechless Aqua…

"… Hey, don't act familiar with my companion and touch her. Who are you? If she knew you, why would Aqua not have any reaction?"

As the man was about to take Aqua's hand, Darkness stopped him.

Unlike her envious eyes when she saw Aqua surrounded by brutal alligator, Darkness was now a shield protecting her comrades, a proud crusader.

… It would be great if she always act this way…

The man glanced at Darkness, sighed and shook his head.

His demeanor seemed to be saying he didn't want to create trouble but he had no choice.

The man's attitude clearly pissed off Darkness who doesn't normally show her emotion openly.

As the tension rose, I went to Aqua who continued to hug her knees and refused to leave the cage despite the situation and whispered:

"… Hey, it's someone you know right? He called you goddess-sama just now. Go and handle that man."

After hearing what I said, Aqua made a 'what are you talking about?' face and…

"… Ah! Goddess! That's right, I am a goddess. And? What problems do you want this goddess to settle? You guys are really helpless!"

Aqua finally came out of the cage.

Did this girl really forgot about being a goddess?

After exiting the cage, Aqua tilted her head at that man.

"… Who are you?"

She didn't know him.

… No, she probably did.

Because the man opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Aqua probably just forgot about him.

"Why are you saying this goddess-sama! It's me Mitsurugi Kyouya! I received the sword Gram from you!"


Aqua still tilted her head, but I finally got it.

His name might sound like the protagonist of an anime or manga, but since it was a Japanese name, he must had gotten a powerful weapon from Aqua and came here before me.

That man who seemed to have a strong sense of justice had a head of brown hair and was the cool type.

He was wearing armor that looked expensive and glowed in blue brightly. On his waist was a sword in a black scabbard.

Behind him was a beauty with a long spear that was the warrior type, and a pretty girl wearing leather armor with a dagger on her waist.

This fellow claiming to be Mitsurugi was about my age.

To describe this man in one sentence…

He looked like the main character of a manga.

"Ah! Yes yes, there was such a person! Sorry, I totally forgot about you. I sent a lot of people here, so it couldn't be helped if I forgot!"

After an explanation from Mitsurugi and I, Aqua finally remembered.

His face was a bit awkward, but Mitsurugi still smiled at Aqua and said:

"Eh, it's been a while, Aqua-sama. As your chosen hero, I had been working hard every day. My job is Sword master. I am already level 37… Oh right, why is Aqua-sama doing here? Or rather, why were you locked in the cage?"

Mitsurugi said as he stole glances at me.

When Aqua sent him to this world, she made up something about him being chosen by the gods and is a hero, those irresponsible words.

She didn't remember this person existed, which showed how irresponsible her words to Mitsurugi was.

So in Mitsurugi's eyes, I was the one locking Aqua in the cage?

… Well, normal people would think so.

Even if I told him she was the one who didn't want to come out, this guy wouldn't believe me.

Even me who saw it with my own eyes won't believe there was such a weird goddess.

I told Mitsurugi what happened to Aqua and me after transporting to this world…

"… Preposterous, this is too illogical! What are you thinking, bring goddess-sama to this world? And you locked her in a cage and threw her in the lake for this quest?"

Mitsurugi grabbed my collar in righteous fury.

Aqua restrained him in a hurry.

"You, what are you doing? This is nothing, I am living every day happily, and am not angry about being brought to this world! And I can go back after defeating the demon king! Today's quest was a bit scary, but it was resolved smoothly. No one was hurt and the rewards is 300,000. 300,000! And everyone said they will let me take all of it!"

Mitsurugi looked at Aqua with pitiful eyes after hearing what she said.

"… Aqua-sama, I don't how how this man talked you into this, but you are being treated too illogically. After such a sacrifice, you only earned 300,000…? You are a goddess! For a goddess to be treated this way… By the way, where do you stay at night?"

I felt like telling Mitsurugi not to keep saying goddess by the side of the road, but he seemed to be on the verge of losing it, so I decided to shut up.

For a first meeting, this guy is really rude.

He doesn't understand Aqua at all.

Hearing Mitsurugi say that, Aqua was a bit frightened and answered timidly:

"With everybody, in the stables…"


Mitsurugi grabbed my collar with more force.

Hey, that hurts!

Darkness grabbed Mitsurugi's hand at this moment.

"Hey, watch yourself and remove your hand. You had been unreasonable all this while. This must be the first time you met Kazuma, there should be a limit to how rude you can be."

Darkness who was usually quiet when she wasn't spouting nonsense had gotten angry.

On a closer look, Megumin had picked up her upgraded staff and seemed to be chanting explosion magic… Wait, stop it you!

Mitsurugi let go of his hand and observed Darkness and Megumin excitedly.

"… Crusader and Arch wizard? And… They look rather good too. Seems that you had great luck in finding companions, but that doesn't make sense. Don't you feel ashamed in letting Aqua and these two excellent members sleep in the stables? You mentioned your job is the weakest adventurer right?"

From the way this guy described it, my situation seemed great.

From the people who didn't know us, I seemed so lucky.

I whispered to Aqua:

"Nah, nah, isn't staying in the stables the norm for adventurers in this world? Why is this guy so mad?"

"Well, I think he was granted a powerful sword when he was transported to this world, and completed a bunch of high difficulty quest from the beginning. He probably had no worries about money… But that is the usual case for people with special abilities or equipment."

A flame of anger burned in my heart after I listened to Aqua's answer.

The guy who didn't undergo any hardship because of a powerful sword gifted to him, why is he acting so high and mighty to me who had to work hard from the very start?

He didn't realize my seething anger and said to Aqua, Darkness and Megumin with a sympathetic smile:

"It must have been hard on you all so far. Please join me from now on. Of course, I won't let you all sleep in the stables, and will buy the full set of premium equipment for you. The balance of the team is great. I am a sword master, my warrior comrade and you as a crusader: along with my thief comrade, this arch wizard and Aqua-sama. What a perfect combination, it's a match made in heaven."

Ara, it didn't include me.

Well, I don't want to join this guy's party anyway.

After hearing Mitsurugi's proposal, my 3 companions started talking among themselves.

Mitsurugi might be a self centered hero, but the terms he offered wasn't bad.

And compared to acting alongside me, going with Mitsurugi offered an easier route for Aqua to take down the demon king.

The demon king needed to be defeated before Aqua could return to heaven.

Although I only thought of her as a complementary gift for moving to this world, but heavens would probably allow her to return if she finished the job of defeating the demon king with another hero.

I thought Aqua and the others would be moved with such excellent terms, so I strained my ears behind them to listen. In the end…

"It feels wrong. He is so bad that it made me cringe. And he was the one doing all the talking with his narcissistic tendencies which frighten me."

"What should we do, for some reason I am unable to physically accept this man. I prefer active people over passive ones, but somehow that guy makes me want to beat him up."

"Can I cast my magic? Can I throw an explosion spell into the face of that elite putting up a front who had never went through any hardship before?"

Ara, their perception of you were rather negative, Mitsurugi-san.

After that, Aqua tugged my sleeve and said:

"Nah Kazuma, let's hurry to the guild okay? I might be the one who gave him the powerful sword, but I think it would be better not to get too close with such people."

To be honest his action was infuriating, but it would be best to leave as Aqua suggested.

"Well– My companions don't seem keen to join your party and the opinion is unanimous. We still need to report the completion of the quest, so we will take our leave…"

After finishing, I lead the horse dragging the cage and prepared to go.

"… Could you please move out of the way?"

I said in an annoyed tone to Mitsurugi who was blocking my way.

What should I do, he is the type who doesn't listen to others.

"Excuse me, but Aqua-sama is the one who bestowed this sword to me, and seeing my benefactor who granted me power fall to such a state, I couldn't simply ignore it. You couldn't save the world, the one to defeat the demon king would be me. It would be better for Aqua-sama to follow me… You said you chose Aqua as the item to be brought along to this world with you right?"

"… Yes."

Going by the cliché developments of manga, I could predict what would happen next.

This guy would definitely…!

"If that is the case, how about making a bet? You chose Aqua-sama as the 'thing' to be brought along with you right? If I win, you have to give Aqua-sama to me; If you win, I can promise you one thing, anything."

"Okay, I accept! Take this!"

Just as I predicted.

I was almost at my limits, and attacked without saying anything more.

I moved my left hand out of the way and used my right to swing my sheathed sword at him immediately.

The first to move wins, there is nothing unscrupulous about it!

And a high level sword master with a powerful sword challenging a novice adventurer with weak gears was the unscrupulous one!

Mitsurugi didn't expect me to attack the moment I answer him.

"Eh? Wait! Hold…!"

Mitsurugi seemed to be in a panic, but as expected of a high level adventurer.

He drew his sword and braced it horizontally to fend off my sword.

As the sword in my right hand was about to hit Mitsurugi's sword, I reached out my left hand…!


The moment I yelled, I felt the weight of a sword in my left hand.

Oh, I hit the jackpot.

The sword Mitsurugi was planning to block my blow with disappeared from his hands.

"Huh?" x3

I wonder who uttered such foolish sounds.

Probably everyone present except for me.

With my stealing skill working together with my attack, Mitsurugi who couldn't do anything was hit hard on the hard by me.

"Scumbag! Scumbag scumbag scumbag–!"

"How dirty! You are the worst, scumbag! Can't you fight honorably?"

Mitsurugi's two female companions lectured me.

It was music to my ears.

Although it was with the scabbard, Mitsurugi was still hit by a rather heavy sword on the head and laid on the ground with the white of his eyes showing, it was pretty comical.

I announced to the two followers who were protesting.

"No matter what, I won. This guy said he will promise me anything if he lost right? Then I would be taking this sword."

After hearing what I said, one of the follower became agitated.

"What? What absurd thing are you saying? And only Kyouya could use that magic sword, the magic sword will choose its owner. It had chosen Kyouya as its master! The blessing of the sword won't work on you!"

After listening to the girl's confident words, I turned towards Aqua.

"… Is that true? I can't use this spoils of war? I was thinking that I had finally gotten a strong piece of equipment."

"It's true. Regrettably, the sword Gram is the exclusive weapon of that unpleasant guy. It bestows one with arm strength beyond the human limits when equipped, and the sword is a sharp weapon that can cut through steel like a vegetable. But in Kazuma's hands, this would just be a normal sword."

So there was such a thing…

But since I got something great, I should take it with me.

"I would be on my way then. Tell that guy when he wakes up that he was the one who wanted the duel, so no complaints… Alright, let's go to the guild for the bounty, Aqua."

After finishing, I turned to leave. Mitsurugi's female companion raised their weapon against me.

"You you you, hold it right there!"

"Give Kyouya's sword back. We won't acknowledge your win!"

And so, I lift my hands and wriggled my fingers before the 2 ladies.

"It's fine if you want to bring it on, but I believe in gender equality, a man who dares to use drop kicks against girls. Don't think I will hold back against you two! I should say that since you are girls, I might humiliate you in public using my 'Steal' skill."

The two girls looked at my hand, worried about their safety in some ways, and backed off with an uneasy face.

"Ugwahhh…" x3

My companions looked at me with scornful eyes which pricks me.

Dragging the borrowed cage with us, we finally made it back to the guild.

Since we decided all the rewards would go to Aqua, I left the task of reporting the completion of the quest to Aqua and the others while I returned the borrowed horse. I took my spoils– that magic sword to a certain place and reached the adventurers guild a bit later than the others.

... But…

"Wh, Why–!"

Aqua's loud voice could be heard from inside the guild.

Does this girl want to create commotions everywhere she went?

I entered the guild and saw Aqua grabbing a staff of the guild with tearing eyes.

"Didn't I tell you, the cage I borrowed from you wasn't damaged by me! It was that Mitsurugi guy who bent the bars! Why do I have to pay for it!"

I see, that guy did bent the bars in an attempt to save Aqua without getting the full story.

And Aqua had to compensate for that broken cage.

Aqua insisted for a moment, but she probably gave up, taking the reward and came to our tables with heavy footsteps.

"… The bounty this time, after deducting the compensation for the broken cage, there is only 100,000 Eris left… They said the cage was made from a special process and material, so it cost 200,000…"

Seeing how dejected Aqua was, even I felt a little sorry for her.

Meeting Mitsurugi was an unexpected disaster for Aqua.

"Next time I meet that man, I will definitely give him a god blow! And get him to cough up the compensation for the cage!"

Aqua sat on her chair and pinched the menu hard and said through her grit teeth.

As for me, I don't want to ever see him again.

… As Aqua was grumbling grudgingly.

"So that's where you are! I had a hard time finding you, Kazuma Satou!"

We were just talking about Mitsurugi when he showed up with his two female underlings at the entrance of the guild.

Shouting my full name which I never told him, Mitsurugi rushed to our table and slammed both hands down.

"Kazuma Satou! I asked a female thief about you and she told me everything immediately. She said you like to strip woman of their panties. Other than that, your interest is to cover girls in slime. Lots of people are talking about you, devilish Kazuma."

"Hold on, who is the one spreading this, tell me properly."

I know who the thief was, but the problem was the other parts.

Spreading such rumors from somewhere and adding the title devilish before my name…!

As Mitsurugi closed in on me with a serious face, Aqua stepped before him.

"… Aqua-sama. I swear to you, after getting my sword back from that man, I will definitely defeat the demon king. So please join me and form a party pu ah…!"

"Ah! Kyouya!" x2

After being punched by the silent Aqua, Mitsurugi flew out.

Mitsurugi's two female companions rushed to the fallen Mitsurugi.

Mitsurugi showed a baffled face, not understanding why he was hit. Aqua took large steps towards him, grab his collar and said:

"Compensate me for the cage you destroyed! It's all your fault that I had to compensate for that cage! Because that cage was made through a special process and material, it cost 300,000 okay, 300,000! You hear me, pay up!"

Didn't you say the cage cost 200,000 just now?

Mitsurugi who haven't even stood up after being sent flying by Aqua's punch remained seated as he forked out the cash.

After getting the money from Mitsurugi, the satisfied Aqua picked up the menu once again.

Mitsurugi composed himself, watching Aqua who was calling for the waitress happily with a menu in hand as he said to me begrudgingly:

"… Even though I was defeated in that way, it was still my loss. Although it is shameless and selfish of me to say this after promising to do anything you wish… But I beg of you! could you return the sword to me? That sword wouldn't be of much use to you, it is just sharper than normal swords if you wield it. That's the most you could get out of the sword… How about this? If you want a sword, I can buy the best sword in any shop and give it to you… Could you please return it to me?"

He said himself that it was a selfish request.

No matter how useless, Aqua was still the gift I was bestowed with when I came to this world, something I should get when I make up my mind to come to this world.

In other words, the thing I gambled was of equal worth with Mitsurugi's sword.

But if you ask me whether Aqua's worth was equivalent to the magic sword, I could only refuse to answer.

"Using me as a prize without my permission, and asking for your sword back by offering to buy a good sword in exchange, there's no way this deal would work! Or do you think my worth is equal to the most expensive sword in a shop? Insolent fool, insolent! I am a goddess after all, to use me as a betting chip, what the hell were you thinking? I don't to ever see your face again, shoo. Hurry up, scram!"

Aqua held the menu in one hand while waving the other, gesturing for Mitsurugi to leave as she said it out loud, which made Mitsurugi turn pale.

It couldn't be helped, who asked him to create trouble and then do this, no wonder Aqua got angry.

"Please, please wait Aqua-sama! I am not looking down on your value…"

As Mitsurugi was explaining, Megumin tugged Mitsurugi's sleeve.

"…? What is it little girl… Hmm?"

After getting Mitsurugi's attention, Megumin pointed at me.

To be precise, she was pointing at my waist.

"… Just a heads up, the sword is no longer with this man."


Mitsurugi noticed after hearing Megumin say that…

"Sa, Satou Kazuma! Where is the sword? You you, where did you take my sword to?"

He was breaking out in cold sweat as he pressed me for an answer.

I replied in 3 words.

"I sold it."

"Damn you–!"

Mitsurugi rushed out of the guild in tears.

"… What is with that guy… Speaking of which, he had been addressing Aqua as a goddess all this while, what is up with that?"

After Mitsurugi left the guild.

That commotion drew the curious eyes of many adventurers. Under these circumstances, Darkness asked.

… Right, the word goddess was mentioned so many times, it was normal for her to ask.

No, should I use this chance to tell both Megumin and Darkness?

I looked at Aqua who had a face saying that she knew what I wanted to say as she nodded.

Aqua then showed her rare serious expression to face Darkness and Megumin.

Darkness and Megumin also noticed that Aqua felt different, and was listening carefully to her…

"I had never told you this before, but I decided to say it… I am Aqua. One of the patron goddess of the Axis cult, goddess of water… That's right, I am that goddess Aqua…!"

"… So you had that dream?" x2

"That's wrong! And why did both of you say the same thing together!"

… So it turned out this way…

At this moment.

"Emergency broadcast! Emergency broadcast! Attention all adventurers, please prepare all your equipment and gather at the town's main gate ready for battle–!"

The familiar emergency public announcement sounded out loudly.

"Again…? There are so many of these emergency summons recently."

Can I not go?

I knew I probably can't, but after that incident with Mitsurugi, I felt so lazy…

As I rest my face lazily on the table.

"Emergency broadcast! Emergency broadcast! Attention all adventurers, please prepare all your equipment and gather at the town's main gate ready for battle–! Especially Satou Kazuma-san and his companions, please head to the scene as soon as possible!"

"… Huh?"

What did the broadcast just say?