Part 7

When she heard the cheers of victory from the adventurers, Darkness who was wounded all over knelt on one knee, praying with her eyes closed at the spot the Dullahan disappeared.

Seeing Darkness act this way, Megumin asked her hesitantly:

"… Darkness, what are you doing?"

Darkness closed her eyes, replying as if she was reciting a monologue in her heart:

"… I am praying. The Dullahan was a knight who was executed unjustly, and turned into a monster because of its grudge. It might be weird to say this after smashing it with my sword, but no harm praying for it…"

"I see…"

Megumin said softly and Darkness continued:

"… Cedre's arm strength was weaker than me, so he spread an idiotic rumour that my body was full of muscles… Heinz said this to me that time 'Hey, it's hot today, fan me with that large sword of yours alright? It's fine if you hit me, that is if you can!' as he laugh like a moron while teasing me… And Garilhe, I joined his party once, and made him yell, asking why I kept charging into the middle of the monster pile… They were all killed by that Dullahan. Thinking back, they might not be great guys, but I don't really dislike them…"

After Darkness said that…

"Erm… I see. I will listen to the rest later, let's go back to the guild for now."

Megumin said in an attempt to end the topic.

I don't know if she heard what Megumin said, but Darkness closed her eyes and said gently:

"… If I could meet them again… Just once is enough, I would want to have a drink with them…"

"O… Okay…" x3

Behind Darkness who had her eyes shut, some troubled voice sounded out.

Darkness shivered for a moment. Behind her were 3 men who looked embarrassed.

I remembered they were murdered by Beldia just now.

Finally, one of them spoke apologetically…

"How should I put this… it's my bad. I didn't know you thought of us that way…"

"That's… that's right, I am sorry for spreading that weird rumour because I lost to you in arm wrestling… I, I will treat you to a meal next time…"

"Actually, you were really conscious about not being able to hit your enemy? I, I'm sorry about that…"

As Darkness listened to the 3 of them talk, Darkness who remained in her praying posture with her eyes closed started to blush.

And Aqua who can't read the mood said excitedly:

"Darkness, just leave such things to me! At my level, the fresh corpse that hasn't passed on too long, I can resurrect them easily! This is wonderful, now you all can drink together again!"

Aqua didn't mean any harm.

But when Darkness heard what Aqua said, she remembered her monologue with the subject in question standing behind her. She covered her red face that was on the verge of tears and sat on the ground in a heap.

"Isn't this great, meeting everyone once again. Let's go and drink with everyone."

I said to Darkness heartily, but she continued to cover her face and said softly:

"… I want to die…"

I said to Darkness who was like this:

"Don't you prefer others to humiliate you with words? Don't hold back, I will keep bringing this up for the next 3 days."

"This, this humiliation is different from the one I want…!"

Darkness said with her shoulders trembling.