CHAPTER 6 - PART 5 & 6

Part 5

"Turn Undead!"

Under the magic attack of Aqua, the body of the zombie disappeared.

I lost count of how many monsters were defeated.

Before me was still a thermography like scene, and I was thankful for learning 'farsight'.

If we were advancing with a torch like normal, I would probably cry if we encountered a mob of zombies.

We had already been assaulted by large groups of undead; it would be no surprise if it left any psychological trauma.

"… Hey, isn't this weird? There are too many undead here. If that was really the case, a party without an arch priest wouldn't be able to subjugate the dungeon right? And we haven't found any treasures yet. Let's forget it and go back."

This was a dungeon for novice to grind.

But I couldn't imagine how would the novices handle the surge of undead.

Aqua who had been casting magic nonstop didn't seem tired at all.

She was a goddess after all.

But even Aqua couldn't keep it up forever, so maybe it was time to retreat.

"You are right. We didn't found any treasures, but I am satisfied after purifying so many undead… but hold on a minute, the scent of undead is still lingering here."

My detect enemy skill wasn't even triggered, seemed like Aqua was in great condition today.

We had reached the end of the dungeon, but Aqua was still sniffing the air like an excited cat at the dead end.

Detect trap and enemy skills still didn't have any reaction.

But since Aqua who was in excellent condition said so, there was probably something behind this wall.

Aqua and I split up to investigate the wall, scrutinizing it for ten minutes or so.

When we didn't find anything and was about to return.

A part of the wall suddenly turned sideways, opening a gap.

We didn't do anything. It appeared to had been opened from the inside.

A low and vague sound came from the other side.

"Is there a priest?"

Part 6

There was a simple bed, cabinet, a table and a chair in the room.

The person was sitting on the chair besides the bed.

An oil lamp was placed on the table.

"Morning, first time we met. I don't know what time it is outside, should I say 'good evening' instead?"

I could only see the silhouette with my skill.

After greeting us, that person lit the oil lamp with magic.

The oil lamp illuminated that person who was in the dark. He wore a long cloak, he was a skeleton covered in dried skin.

"I am Keele, creator of this dungeon. I kidnapped the daughter of a noble, an evil wizard."

— A long time ago, there was an arch wizard named Keele who fell in love with a daughter of a noble clan during a stroll through the streets.

Keele who knew this love won't bear fruit, devoted himself in his magic training and research.

As the years went by, he eventually became the strongest arch wizard in the nation.

He didn't hold back in bringing happiness to the country through his use of spells, and was praised by all.

And so, the wizard was invited into the castle, to a banquet that was held in his honor.

The king said to the wizard:

He wanted to reward the wizard, and was willing to fulfil one wish of the wizard, with no restriction.

The wizard said he had a wish that would never be fulfilled.

And that was the happiness of the one he loved, who had suffered so much.

"After making this wish, I kidnapped that lady."

Keele said proudly.

"… Which means you are not an evil wizard, but a good one? In order to get on the good side of the king, the daughter was offered to the king as a concubine. But she wasn't loved, and didn't have a good relationship with the queen and the other concubine, and had a hard time. And you said something like 'since you don't want her, give her to me' right?"

After hearing this, the bones in Keele's throat area rattled, as if he was laughing.

"That's the gist of it. After I proposed to the lady I kidnapped, she accepted me. After that, I brought her along in an elopement of love while fighting the army of the kingdom… Ara, those were happy times. Oh, by the way, the one on the bed is her. How does she looked, the curve of her collar bone is beautiful right?"

I looked in the direction Keele pointed at and found a skeleton placed on the small bed.

… What was with that?

Aqua who was beside me looked at Keele with shining eyes.

She probably couldn't wait to purify him.

"And so, I have a request for that lady over there," Keele suddenly said.


Hearing my words, Keele nodded–

"Could you send me to the other world? This lady should have the power to do so."