CHAPTER 7 - PART 1 & 2

Part 1

I brought Aqua along with me to a certain place.

I left Darkness at the guild, so we could grab a hold of a good quest if there was one.

Megumin went somewhere early in the morning.

She would disappear like that sometimes, but where did she go off to?

— The balance in our party was bad.

The good points were too obvious.

Aqua was excellent as an arch priest, Darkness, the tank in our party, was really tough, and didn't really require healing magic.

Megumin's instant damage output was stronger than most other mages, and could often resolve the problem with one spell.

But the current issue was the need for stable fire power.

And thus, I had to learn skills and fight. However, I had the weakest job 'adventurer', so I wouldn't be strong no matter how hard I worked.

I wanted offensive skills.

And so, after I had leveled up in the dungeon run a few days ago, I came to this store.

"Alright, we are here. Listen Aqua, let me be clear, you can't make a mess or act violently. And don't use any magic, understand?"

This was a tiny shop that sold magic items.

Aqua looked at the sign of the shop and tilted her head with a confused expression.

"Hey, why are you restricting me from this and that? I have been meaning to ask you, who do you think I am? A delinquent or a bandit? I am a goddess alright? A holy being."

I dragged Aqua who was complaining non-stop and opened the door of the shop.

The bell on the door rang crisply, announcing our arrival to the owner.

"Welcome… Ahhh!?"

"Ahhhh!? You finally showed up, damn undead! You dare set up shop here!? A goddess like me has to sleep in the stables, but you can open a shop? You're getting too full of yourself, lich! I will burn your store down in the name of the gods!"

I used the hilt of my sword to knock the head of Aqua who was running amok despite my reminder before entering the shop.

I ignored Aqua who was sulking in a corner with her hands on her head, and greeted the frightened owner.

"Yo, Wiz, long time no see, I came to visit."

Part 2

"… Hmmph, doesn't this shop know how to serve tea?"

"Ah, sorry!! I will bring it now!"

"Don't serve her tea! I have never heard of a magic item shop that serves tea to its customers!"

I stopped Wiz from following the orders of Aqua, who was picking on her.

This was my first time in a magic item shop, so I toured around it, toying with the merchandise.

I was holding a small bottle.

"Ah, that will explode on strong impact, so please be careful."

"Ah? You serious!?"

I put the bottle back in a panic.

I reached for another bottle beside it…

"Ah, that one will explode if you open the cap, so…"

I placed that bottle back gently, and picked up the one besides it.

"What about this one?"

"It will explode when it touches water."

"… how about that one?"

"It explodes when heated…"


"Does your shop only sell explosives?!"

"No no no! All the explosive bottle series just happen to be on that rack!"

Ara, this wasn't the time for this.

I didn't come here to buy magic items.

I ignored Aqua who was drinking the tea she was pouring for herself and cut to the chase.

"Wiz, you mentioned this before right? You said you can teach me some of the skills of a lich. I have some skill points now, so could you teach me something?"



After hearing what I said, Aqua spat the tea in her mouth all over Wiz.

"Hey, what are you thinking Kazuma! The skills of a lich? You say you want to learn a lich's skills!? I was wondering what you said to her after taking this woman's name card! The skills of a lich are all evil! It would be bad if you learned such skills! Listen, liches are something like the relative of slugs that like dark and wet places."

"How, how mean!"

Hearing Aqua's definition, Wiz was in tears.

"No, I don't care if liches are the relatives or siblings of slugs– it's normally impossible to learn skills from a lich right? I feel that if I learn these skills, I might be able to increase the combat potential of our team. You should understand that with our current powers, we can't handle powerful foes or any large number of enemies right?"

"But… As a goddess, I can't stand my servant learning the skills of a lich…"

After hearing what my words, Aqua was still complaining, but gave in.

Hearing Aqua's grumbles, Wiz asked hesitantly.

"'As a goddess'…? Erm, I was almost destroyed when you used turn undead… could it be, you are a real goddess?"

Ah, no good.

If you want to ask what the real identity of Aqua was, a monster like a lich would know best.

As for me, I still doubt at this moment whether Aqua was a real goddess.

"You could say that. You probably won't spread this around, so I shall tell you. I am Aqua. That's right, the goddess revered by the axis cult, Aqua. Mind your manners, lich!"


Wiz made a face of terror I had never seen before and hid behind me.

For liches, an existence like god was like their nemesis.

"Hey Wiz, I know undead and goddess are akin to water and oil, but you don't need to fear her that much."

I consoled her, but Wiz said:

"No, I don't mean it that way… I heard that the Axis cultists have brain problems, so it's best not to get involved with them– that is part of the common sense of the world. And she said she is the goddess which is the leader, so I…"

"What did you say!?

"Sor, sorry!"

"… Sigh, the topic is not progressing at all…"

I chased Aqua to the side, letting her browse the items in the shop.

She obediently shopped around, picking some potions randomly and sniffed inside.

I kept an eye on her as I regained my composure and talked to Wiz.

"Speaking of which, I heard recently that Kazuma's party defeated Beldia-san. That Beldia-san was a powerful swordsman among the demon king's bosses, you guys are amazing."

She said that with a gentle smile…


"'That Beldia-san'? It sounds as if you were acquaintanced. Did you know each other because you are both undead?"

In the face of my query, Wiz said in an idle manner.

"Ah, I didn't make this clear before, I am also a boss of the demon king's army."

She said with a giggle.


"Catch her!"

Aqua who was browsing the merchandize suddenly pounced on Wiz!

"Wait! Aqua-sama, please let me explain!"

Wiz who was pinned down by Aqua wailed.

Aqua wiped the sweat from her cheeks and reported her victory.

"This is great Kazuma! We can clear our debts now! Not just that, we will become rich! Not just renting a place, we could even buy a mansion!"

Aqua shouted joyously.

I squatted down and looked at Wiz who was subdued by Aqua.

"Hey Aqua, let's listen to her… Erm, what does being a boss mean? If you are a spy of the demon king, as adventurers, we can't let you off…"

After hearing this, Wiz explained in tears.

"That's wrong! I was asked by the demon king-san to maintain the barrier to the demon king castle! I have never harmed anyone before. I might be a boss, but I am actually a (lol) boss! You won't get any rewards for defeating me!"

Wiz's words made me and Aqua look at each other.

"… I don't know what you are saying, but we should play it safe and destroy you."

"Wait a moment Aqua-sama!"

Wiz who was pinned under Aqua screamed again.

I stopped Aqua who had started chanting in a hurry.

"Eh, what do you mean? Is it like the cliche in video games, where the main character opens a path to the demon king castle after defeating all the boss? And Wiz is the one in charge of maintaining that barrier?"

"I don't know what video games are, but that's it! It was the demon king who requested this of me. Because I didn't stop running a shop casually on the human territory, the only thing he asked me to do as boss was to maintain the barrier! and maintain the barrier! He said no one would suspect that a boss of the demon king would set up a shop in a human town, so the barrier would be safe!"

"Which means humans can't attack the demon king castle if you are alive. This will give us plenty of trouble. Kazuma, let's do away with her."

Upon hearing Aqua's words, Wiz wailed:

"Wait, please wait! With Aqua-sama's power, you could easily break through the barrier created by 2 or 3 bosses! But there are 8 bosses in the demon king's army, there will still be 6 bosses even if you defeat me. Even Aqua-sama can't break through the barrier of 6 bosses! If you want to attack the demon king castle, you have to defeat the other bosses. I beg you to let me live before you take out the other bosses…! I have some things I need to take care of…"

Facing the crying Wiz who was pinned by her, Aqua made an awkward expression.

She would glance at me every now and then, observing my condition… Did she want me to make the decision?

"Eh, I think that should be fine right? Even if we defeat Wiz now, the barrier would still be intact right? And the barrier can only be dispelled after all the bosses are defeated. But with Aqua here, we could break through the barrier without taking out all the bosses right? Then we will just need to wait for someone to take out the other bosses other than Wiz right?"

To be honest, I didn't think an immature party like us could do anything to the demon king's bosses. And I didn't plan to do something that dangerous.

Even if we didn't do anything, someone like sword master Mitsurugi and his demon sword– people who were transported here with blessings, would kill the bosses of the demon king's army.

But, as long as Wiz was here, the barrier would be intact and they couldn't get to the demon king.

So, before we get strong enough to defeat the demon king, it would better to maintain the status quo.

Wiz who didn't see through my despicable schemes smiled after hearing my words.

"But, would that really be okay? The bosses of the demon king are Wiz's acquaintances right? Won't you get angry at us for defeating Beldia?"

Wiz pondered for a moment and said.

"… Beldia-san and I weren't at great terms… He rolls his head under my skirt to peek at me when I took strolls. There is only one person who was on good terms with me among the bosses. And that person… probably won't die so easily… Also,"

As Wiz spoke, she–

"As of now, I have decided to live as a human."

had a lonely smile.