CHAPTER 12 - PART 7 & 8

Part 7

"Pardon me for the long wait."

"We are back."

When Aqua and I returned to the entrance, Darkness and her dad was still chatting happily with Walther. Darkness was glancing uneasily at us who was standing beside her.

"I know how Kazuma feels about this. I also wish for Darkness to marry someone she likes, but after hearing what you said, I think it would be terrible if that happens."

"I'm glad you understand. Listen, you just act by your own judgement. Try to help from the side so Darkness can leave a great impression on the other party, okay?"

I am not sure if Darkness heard what we said, she lowered her voice and whispered into my ear:

"… Hey, for your own good, give it up. If not, you will experience something so bad that you will wish you were dead."

What is she talking about, that is too scary.

But threats won't work on me now.

Because I have the backing of someone more powerful than Darkness.

That's right…

"Pardon my interruption, old master. Can we start the meeting between the young lady and master Walther? The young lady has been looking impatient for a while now."

Hearing me say that, Darkness ground her teeth in protest for my proposal.

Her dad didn't notice Darkness' reaction, accepting my suggestion readily.

Darkness' dad didn't seem to mind me whacking the back of Darkness' head in order to shut her up.

He seemed to think I did a good job and sighed in relief.

This mean I have the approval of her dad, and won't get lectured if I go a bit too far.

"Well then, Mr Walther, this way please. Lalatina, come with us too. Let's go to the meeting room."

Darkness squatted down when she heard her father say that.

"My heels seemed to have broke… Mr Walther, can you lend me a hand?"

Darkness reached out to Walther as she said that.

She probably want to avoid me hitting her head as Darkness spoke in a normal lady like manner.

But this is strange, she must be up to something.

I reached out immediately.

"Young lady, allow me. No matter how much you admire master Walther, you aren't engaged yet, so you can't trouble him like this. My apologies master Walther, the young lady is really happy ahhh Owww owww owww it's breaking breaking please don't joke with me, wait, stop, please stop, I'm telling you to knock it off young lady!"

I blinked away the tears after I shook off the hand that was crushed by Darkness with her full strength.

This, this girl, if I didn't stop her, she would have done that to Walther!

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Seeing me squatted down while favoring my right hand painfully, Walther was worried and asked.

What a great guy. Please, just marry and take this mad dog with you okay?

"Fufufu, it's nothing. Let us be off, Mr Walther."

Darkness moved briskly away, I could only see her off while squatting down, waiting for Aqua to heal me with magic.

When her father saw us, he put his hand together and lowered his head in apology, he felt bad about this.

"— Well then, let me introduce myself properly once more. I am Alexei Barnes Walther, son of the Alexei family, my job is to assist my father in managing the territory."

Darkness and Walther sat facing each other with the white coffee table of the guest room between them.

Walther was a cool and stylish man.

He was one head taller than me.

He probably trained regularly, his solid muscles were visible through his clothes, and he was adequately lean.

Walther smiled gently as he looked at Darkness.

Aqua and I were beside Darkness, a little bit too close to her.

Walther seemed bothered by us, but since Darkness' dad didn't say anything, he didn't say anything about it.

"I am Dustiness fon Lalatina. I don't think I need to introduce my family. Even the son of some upstart landlord should know ahhhhh!"

Darkness who was speaking ill right from the get go trembled with her face red.

"Are, are you okay?"

Walther asked with concern, but Darkness continued:

"I, I'm fine… It's just that seeing Mr Walther's face is making me uncomfort nnnnnhhhh—!"

Before finishing, Darkness lowered her head to the table with her ears red.

"Young lady Darkness' tummy had been acting up since morning. Isn't that right, Darkness?! Don't push yourself if your stomach hurts."

"Huh? No, I'm not…!"

Darkness denied as Aqua tried to make an excuse for her.

Leaving Aqua who was making matters worse aside, I said:

"The young lady was eager to meet Mr Walther since early morning, she was a little too excited. As you can see, the young lady is so shy that her face is all red."

"Er, well, her face is really red… it's a little embarrassing…"

I stepped harder with my foot, and whispered in a volume only Darkness could hear.

— I twisted my foot that was stepping on Darkness under the table.

"… Hey, young lady, I will step harder if you say any more nonsense."

I wasn't sure she heard what I said, but Darkness' face became red and she started panting as she said softly:

"… What, what a wonderful reward…"

Our young lady was acting as usual.

When he saw the way his daughter was acting, Darkness' dad seemed to understand what the situation was like under the table.

Since he could grasp the situation, that meant he knew about his daughter's fetish.

I wanted to scream at him for letting her daughter go astray, but there's no time for that now.

To cover for me and Darkness, her dad brought up a topic to chat with Walther.

"Mr Walther, I heard your mansion was destroyed not long ago. Where are you living right now? How about bunking in my place? Of course, you have to sleep in a different room from my daughter."

Darkness' father said half jokingly, and Walther answered with a smile:

"Hahaha! No, if I am to live under the same roof with the beautiful lady Lalatina, it would take tremendous self restraint to stop myself…"

And so, as Darkness was trembling with her face blushed, the two of them conversed idly…

Part 8

— After saying 'an old man staying around would only be a hindrance', Darkness' dad took his leave.

As he was leaving, he whispered in my ear 'I'm counting on you.'.

Right now, Darkness and Walther was strolling in the Dustiness family courtyard with Aqua and I in tow… And it was grand, as expected of a famous aristocratic clan.

The vast courtyard had a pond, and colourful flowers were blooming despite it being winter. These were probably high quality breeds.

Aqua whistled and clapped when she saw the fishes in the pond.

I was curious about what she was doing and looked, and saw the school of fishes gathering towards Aqua…

… That is amazing, I will get her to teach me later.

"Lady Lalatina, what are your hobbies?"

As I was focused on the pond, Walther asked something that was obligatory and harmless during matchmaking.

"I hunt Goblins when I am free…. Ughh!"

When Darkness said something thoughtless, I elbowed her waist from the side.

Walther smiled wryly, tilting his head as he asked me who was unnaturally close to Darkness:

"… The two of you seemed to be really close."

My face turned pale and I thought that this was it.

Oh no, I overdid it, I became a factor that dragged Darkness' image down.

It must feel awkward to see the butler and the lady so close together during a matchmaking session.

As I was thinking about how to tide this over, Darkness who noticed this smiled at me deviously.

What is this girl scheming…?

"I am very close to this butler Kazuma, we spend everyday together. Be it meals or bathing, even sleeping at night is…. is... Ugh..."

Darkness who said something foolish on impulse couldn't continue and blushed.

Really, what was with your standard for embarrassment?

"The young lady loves to joke. That's the way she is, a cute girl who get embarrassed by the thing she herself was saying. Right, young lady Lalatina. What's the matter, young lady Lalatina? You face is getting red, young lady Lalatina."

"Ugh… You, I will get you for this…"

Hearing me repeating the cute name Lalatina, Darkness ground her teeth with tears in her eyes.

Good, she won't act up for a while.

Seeing our interaction, Walther had a slightly lonely smile:

"… You are close to each other… it is making me envious."

"Please don't joke with us, Mr Walther. This is just a mistress and her butler playing around a little…"

Darkness suddenly stepped away from me when she heard me say that.


"I don't want to beat around the bush anymore! I can't take this!"

I don't know what she was thinking when Darkness tore the skirt of her dress.

Her white thigh was visible from the torn portion, showing Darkness alluring body in plain sight.

Perv-ness tore her skirt to an easy to move length, she then tore a line up the side of her skirt.

Walther couldn't help averting his eyes as Darkness shouted at him:

"Hey, you are called Walther right? Since you are a knight, you should know how to use a sword! My job is a crusader, let's go to the dojo, I will appraise your capability there. Come, follow me!"

Darkness acted impulsively all of a sudden and I couldn't stop her.

"… Walther, take a good look at that man. As a noble, you should learn that lecherous eyes from Kazuma, and use it everyday!"

I I I, I didn't look!

I only glance over a little because of curiosity!