You are born in this unstable world what is your wish?

Do you wish that you are wealthy?

Or you wish for freedom?

Maybe you are satisfied for spending your youth in a simple life and forget the cruelty

of this world had to offer.

Hi, Yuko Mizuki is my name, I'm an outcast at our school, I can't get along with my classmates.

When I'm approaching them, it feels like that all of them are keeping their distance from me.

It's hard to be alone in this world no friends no lovers, but day by day I kinda adopt the situation, and I'm used to it.

But if I only got one wish that can be granted, I would wish for my...

*ring* *ring* *ring*

"It's time... everyone the class is over, pack your things and go home, and don't forget to do your homework, for tomorrow Friday we have a quiz so review okay?" said by the prof

"Okay prof. Thanks for the day" Students replied

"Good go home safely bye everyone class dismissed"

Then all the students leave the room.

Students in the hallway chatting

"Hey look at that girl, creepy right haha"

"Did you heard about the girl from 2 -3 they said she didn't even talk to anyone"

"What an outcast"


"Tsk that chick is a good-for-nothing"

"What a waste"

yuko is walking in the hallway looking at the ground, there is a group of female students.

suddenly she bumps her shoulder to one of them.

Yuko is hugging her diary very tight, looking at the girl with a frightened face she wants to apologize but she can't say it.

Random girl:

"Oops sorry, my bad", "are you okay?"

Then yuko nod at her

"I wasn't looking at the way so I bump into you," a female student said

Yuko was so shy she nods her head again and then run away...

She looked at Yuko while she's running wondering why is she didn't say anything.

And her friends say

"Ohh you are new here right"

"That is Mizuki, Yuko stay away from her"

"Yes, rumors say she's a weirdo"

"She even does some cursed to the students who try to come close to her"

"Maybe she will lift a curse or magic on you now hahaha"

Everyone laughed except for Her.


A month later

eight-day of June twenty-sixteen, there is news that a new transfer student will be assigned to room second-year room number three.

The whole class was looking at him

"I can easily spot his gorgeous eyes"

"He's face it almost looks like a girl... kyahhh"

"Where did he come from?"

"Let me guess his height... 6ft tall"

"Wow he's so handsome"

"I wish we could get along"

they sound really into it about Akari

"Hi, I'm Himari, Akari! *Bow his head* nice to meet you all"

"Let us have a wonderful school year"

with a beautiful smile on him.

When the girls saw his smile, they were surprised and screaming inside their heads.

"Okay, Mr. Himari you may take your seat next to" prof. said

The prof is looking at the surroundings finding a vacant seat

"uhmmmm ohh there sit next to Ms. Mizuki"

"oh, okay thanks prof," Akari said

with a smile and cheerful face in him.

Then the whole class started saying

- "that's bad news for him"

- "I wish he seats beside me" *jealous voice*

- "unlucky guy" *kinda disappointed*

- "I hope that Mizuki won't do anything to him"

- "I like the new guy"

- "he is so handsome"

He sits next to Yuko

- "Hello there" - "I'm Akari nice to meet you"

- "You are?" *In happy expression*

he wanted to change the atmosphere but Yuko is completely quiet and she is writing something to her diary.

It did not bother Akari but his curios about what yuko is writing.


Lunch break Akari saw Yuko leave the room, walking with her lunch box.

"Hey wait a sec. I'll go to the car really quick" Akari said to his friends

"Okay just hurry," one of them replied

"Okay hehe," Akari leaves the room.


He followed yuko and wondering why is she heading on the rooftop

"What is she doing here?"

"This is the place where she eats lunch?" *confused*

And he saw Yuko was standing there while watching the view then suddenly the wind blows up.

Akari was astonished when he saw yuko's face and he whispered

"She's beautiful" *he is overjoyed*

When yuko turned around they got both eyes contacted because she's too shy she run away, Akari immediately covered his mouth then hide himself

"oops" "Her eyes" *nervous voice*

But when he looks again Yuko is gone.

"Huh? Where is she?" "Where did she go?" "I think I scared her" *disappointed tone*

"But..." "She was the most beautiful girl I ever see" *thrilled expression*


Akari went back to his room and his friends ask him:

- "why taking you so long," *Worried voice*

" Nothing come on let's eat," Akari replied

" You seemed very happy," His friend said

"I am?" Akari was blushing

"Your face is red are you okay Akari?" his friend was confused

"it's nothing haha" *He's so shy and denial*

But in his mind...

"Next time, I want to hear your voice"


Few weeks have passed Akari gets along with his classmates he is so popular that even other sections know his name.

In class 2-3 students are very lively as always then Akari arrives his friend maki ask him:

"Akari let's walk together after class help me buy some stuff, I need to restock my ref," Maki asks him

"Okay maki let but after we shop let me play games at your house too hahaha" Akari replied

"Okay okay then see you later," maki said then he gets back at his sit.

Akari sits down then he noticed that Yuko was not in her seat

"Where is she?" "The class would be started soon" *worried voice*.

Then the class ended Maki approach Akari

"Oi Akari lets go, what are you looking..." *confused expression*

He saw Akari that he's down that time.

"Akari are you okay? let's go home now the class ended." *Worried tone*

"h-huh ohhh sorry maki I was just thinking hahaha, Let's go"

"You sure you okay Akari?"

"Yeah, let us go buy stuff and play at

your house!" *Hyper mode Akari*

"Okay let's buy some midnight snacks too" *Maki was smiling*


They leave the room...

And went to the supermarket buying food and drinks Akari was guffing around while maki was acted like a mother who's watching out for their kid.

They went to Maki's room to play video games, reading books, doing homework, and cooking dinner.

Once they were done eating Maki washed the dishes while Akari was listening to pieces of music.

Maki seat next to him and Akari remove his earphones then Maki asked.

- "I saw you looking at Mizuki's desk"

- "Do you know her?"

*Serious voice*

Akari didn't answer it but his cheek is blushing he so shy about it

"Are you serious?" *Maki was shock*

Then the whole place has gone quiet but Akari change the topic, he opened the console and tv, he handed the remote controller to Maki and they play.

twelve o'clock, they finished the game and it's time for Akari to go home but before leaving Maki said to him.

"Sometimes let us talk about Mizuki okay?" *Maki smiled at him*

"Are you serious do you know her?"

*His so thrilled about what he heard*

*In his mind he wants to hug maki*

"a little haha" maki said

- "Okay let's do that sometimes hahaha" Akari replied

"See you soon bye-bye maki, and thank you for the food hahaha bye!" *Joyful voice*

Maki was so happy that he saw Akari was so cheerful again

"Ohh be careful on your way home" *happy voice*

while Akari walking his way home he kept thinking about Yuko and what maki said that he knows about her. And suddenly Yuko's face appeared in his mind and that gives him a very joyous feeling.