2 days after picking for the class representative, 5 o'clock in the afternoon at sakurai highschool yui got invited by Ryuu because he has an important message for her.

      I... I love y-you Yui! so please go out with me!

I' ve always like you since the begining of our first year, Im so happy knowing that we are classmates in our first year i always, always watching you but when we step up on second year things got complicated for me beacuse we are not in the same sect...

      I can't, thats enough Ryuu thank you that you confess your love for me I really appreciate it b-but thats enough i just I cant, I'm so sorry im leaving now... Sorry...


     Huh? What? you b*tch! dont you know how many times i failed so i can become this popular!, so that you can like me!

you know what the rumors are true that you only like men because of their body, yeah they are right HAHAHAH you f*cking whore, that's kind of women you really are sl*t!, you just using your face as an advantage to get what you want!

      Ryuu was still throw malicious words, But yui didn't look at him she is just walking away while Ryuu is laughing in despair.

      Oyy... Wait! Yui! why dont you defend your self?! huh! beacuse all what i have said is true! Go runaway b*tch AHHAHAHAHAHHA HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!

     Day after Yui rejected Ryuu some rumours     spreading that she was pregnant and didn't know who was the father, apparently that rumour spread so fast and it got all over the school.

*Random girl students*

"hey! did you know that yui is pregnant?"

"about her past, serves her right she even want to stole my boyfriend"

"That wh*re i wish she was dead*

"Hahahahhaha Yui sl*ty b*tch*

"I think she wants to keep all the boys in this school just for her own pleassure"

"what a b*itch that cute girl her only asset was her face and body nothing else hahahahhaa"

"why not make it gone for good? who's with me?"


At the classroom Akari, Maki and ichiru was chatting with each others about the rumour,

both him and maki was incrediolus on what they are hearing.

"Akari did you know the rumor about Yui?" Ichiru ask akari

"huh? what humor?" akari was confused

"you know that she is pregnant"

"Wait what?! are you sure that is true!?"

"I heard it was all over the place and shhhhh be quiet idi*t she's right over there"

"Who spread that humor?"

"I dont know it beats me" -"but when i was walking to buy some drinks there is a group of guy talking to hmmmmm what was his name again?"



"ohh yeah ryuu it looks like they are talking about Yui wait a minute how did you know him akari?" *ichiru was curious*

Akari and maki is making a plan both of them are really pissed-off

"well i think that guy needs to be teach some lessons"

"oiii Maki you heard it too right?"

"yeah while we where walking i heard it loud and clear"

"Ohhh btw that bun was so delicious"

"wait what are you saying both of you?"

"You ready mister class rep."

"tomorrow let's hunt"

"ohhh shut up!"

"bleh ble"

"what happened to those two, well better keep going." *ichiru*


      After the class ended a group of girls was waiting for yui to leave the school and followed her on her way home, They are planning to savotage yui while she was distracted.

"shhhh keep quiet or else she would see us"

"where is she going?"

"ohh look an empty park over there looks like there is no one around"

"if it gets dark you know what to do okay?"

"but are you sure we need to do this?"

"if you dont want then run away remember she wants to steal your bf too"

"Yeah you are right i will be the first who will beat her"

"shhhh be quiet","she's going to the park"

      When yui saw a kitten on an empty park she pets it and when she was Ungaurded one of them attacked her, They put a sack on her head so she would not see who was involved, they beat her untill she passess out, while she was unconcious.

the girls are still not contented so they harrassed the kitten.

"what should we do to this cat?"

"i think we should hang it somewhere else hahahaha"

"I think that's a good idea hahahahha"

Yui was completely blackout for 40 minutes after she woke up she cant move her arms for a few minutes,

and when she removed the sack she saw that the poor kitten was hanged in front of her Yui was trembling she untied the cat and buried it.

      when she got home her parents was watching tv on the sala so she sneak her way towards her room and she heal her self then when she looked at the mirror Yui started crying.

      Yui comes to school with bruises on her arms and legs still the rumors are spreading now she got beaten by an oldman because she steals money from him after s*x, A group of female laughing at her and whispering something.

      Akari was worried so he gives yui his jacket

"why did you come to school with that all bruises on you"

she look at him and say

"because i love to learn" *smile*

Akari was speachless because of yui's bravery,

then yui walks towards to the classroom while wearing akari's jacket

      Beginning until lunch break akari was so worried about yui, he saw a bunch of girls that look suspicious, he talk to maki and ichiru

"I think yui is indanger"

"Maki, ichiru stick to the plan"

"i will follow them"


he followed them until they arrived at the empty place of the school he saw yui and heard about their conversation.

"now apologize"

"Im so sorry" *frightened voice*

but one of them slaps yui and said


The other girls was pushing her to kneel when she was about to do it Yuko was in front of her making herself as a shield.

"What are doing here?"

"Hey Weirdo go away or you will suffer the concinquences"

"Did you hear me?"

"I said go away!"

Yuko was still protecting yui then when that girl is trying to slap Yuko, Akari arrived holding that girl's hand with a strong grip


that time they are all trembling, thats the first time they saw Akari look so pissed.

"H-h-hey A...akari why are you protecting them?"

"It w-will ruined your reputation in scho..."

"like the f*ck i care about that reputation!"

"once you hurt both of them again i would be the one who kill you!"



Maki and ichiru appeared

"Hey akari chill i brought Ryuu just like what you said"

"Oii ryuu you keep running" - "d*mn you are a good runner"

"Say the truth or i would cut your tongue for good"

"o-o-okay i will say it, Kanna rumour about yui is not true i just make all of that because i got rejected by her and i cant accept it! so please! dont bother her anymore"

"And so you know Ryuu, Kanna has a crush on you she cannot accept the fact that you pick yui over her and got rejected, class 2-1 is one hell of a class"

"Full of creepy people"

Akari cannot control his temper so he threatened them

"Run before i can kill you all"

"Y-yes sir" *scared toned*

someone saw them

*Random two people*

"Saw that eyeglass freak"

"Shut up"

"Where are you going?"

"Im leaving, This gets more interesting hmm"

"Time for club meeting im leaving too"

"Hey glass-freak wanna participate in the meeting for the school eve..."

Akari got a hold of himself so he check's if yui and yuko is doing fine.

"Are you okay yui?", "How about you yuko?"

"They wont bother you anymore"

"You're gonna be okay trust us yui"

"And sorry i screamed that we are friends hehe", "can we?"

"Y-yes of couse", "T-thank you everyone"

Yui thanked them for protecting her, she give them a bright and beautiful smile they were all mesmerized.

- "d*mn she's so cute" *three of them*

Yuko hugs her and gives her a hairpin and Yui started crying, Akari was so happy he looked at both of them.

      The spreading of false-information have been stop, ryuu and Kanna's group got suspended for 3weeks and the school make an action about their behavior.

While yui was still recovering about the horroble things happened she sat down on a empty table where no once around.

Yuko saw her eating lunch alone so she picks up her diary and give it too yui saying

"can i sit here?", "lets eat together"

"Sure yuko" *smiled*

"Ohh i remembered i haven't thank you yet right"

"Thank you yuko for saving me"

"I didn't know what to do that time"

"I...I *she started crying* Im so scared really scared"

"T...t...thank you Y-yuko!"

On that day they didn't realize they are friends already.