Chapter 7

Taking strolls and our monthly doctor appointment is the only time I come out of the house. My street is silent. People are hardly around, and everyone keeps to themselves. It is a street where no one cares who lives next door. They go out to work early and come back late. I live here mainly for that reason. It is easy to be anonymous. Other times, I am inside or lounging with Sam on my front porch. I enjoy staying there because of the fresh air, and I get to read a lot while she plays with her toys.

I returned home from our evening stroll to find six missed calls and a message from Sam. 6 calls sound stalkerish. But I do not mind the attention, as long as it is not borderline.

Sam the catfish: Hey, hypocrite. I called to see if I can drop by, but it seems you are busy. Anyway, I told you I am eager to meet you and Sam. You seem like a pleasant person, so let us meet at 4 pm tomorrow. Call me when you have the time. Tanks.

I called him back, but he did not pick up. I bathed Sam and fed her. Not long after, she slept, and I had time to take my bath and eat. I was about to sleep when I heard the familiar text message beep on my phone. I knew it was him, so I eagerly checked it out.

Sam the catfish: Sorry, I was busy when you called. What are you doing?

Me: Just in bed. You?

Sam the catfish: Lucky you. I still got a lot to do here. I wanted to see you today, Debs.

Me: It is too early to meet.

Sam the catfish: Come on, give me the chance to meet you. You will not regret it. I am sure we would be grand friends.

Me: I am up for it only if you tell me who you are.

Sam the catfish: OK, I accept. I am a catfish. I used the profile photo because I have image issues, and I will reveal everything to you tomorrow if you let me.

Me: See? Was that so hard? Thank you for admitting the truth. I'll keep to my words. Let's meet at 4 pm. I will text you an address by 3. I guess I am frying a fish for dinner tomorrow then. Get ready to be my feast.

Sam the catfish: Oh, I will. Thanks for the opportunity. Kiss Sam goodnight for me

Me: Goodnight.

The realization of what I just agreed to dawn on me after I dropped my phone, and I gave good thought to what I am doing, but the curiosity within me is like a compulsive drug. There is nothing I can do to stop myself from sniffing it.

Carefully getting into bed, I gave good thought to what I am doing. I tried to talk myself out of it, but to no avail. I am curious about the type of person who will appear before me tomorrow. I am curious about what he looks like and his behaviour. I cannot sleep because of nervousness. I cannot trust how the person will react to me and how dangerous it will be. I picked up my phone and called my dad. It was late to call him, but I needed to hear from him.

"Debby? What is wrong? What are you doing up?"

"Nothing is wrong, Pops. I just wanted to hear your voice and find out if everyone is alright back home."

"We are doing fine. Are you sure you are fine? My scheduled visit is next week, but I can move it forward if anything is wrong."

"We are fine, pops. I will see you next week. I have heard your voice so I can go to sleep now. Goodnight."


My nerves calmed down a little after talking to my dad. Even though I said nothing about my latest adventure to him, the sound of his familiar voice did the trick, and I can go to sleep holding my baby in my arms and dreaming of a better tomorrow where I get to meet whoever is my catfish friend. It is the start of something new. And I am super excited. Nervous but excited.