He left the bedroom for me, insisting that he would use the guestroom whenever we are around, so we said goodnight, and I went to bed.
I woke up thirsty in the middle of the night and dragged myself out of bed to get water from the kitchen, but found myself in a room that looked like a man cave.
I turned to leave but stopped as I saw a blue light emanating from behind the kitchen island.
I looked closer and found Sam curled up on the floor, reading a book.
"Debs? What are you doing here?"
"I was on my way to get water from the kitchen you showed me earlier on this floor but missed my way… what are you doing up?"
"I have a severe case of insomnia in recent days. I was kind of hoping this boring book would put me to sleep."
"It does not like it is working because your eyes are as sharp as ever. Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Thanks for offering, but there is nothing you can do that might work. Well-renowned doctors have tried and failed."
"Excuse Me? Have you met Doctor Debby Odion before? Trust me when I say I got the magic in me. Come on. Sleep with me, and sweet dreams will hit you hard in no time. I am not one to take no for an answer. I love a challenge, so get up, boy."
I held his hands and drew him along into the bedroom.
"Do not just stand there. Get in already."
I tapped my left-hand side of the bed, and he shook his head.
"I do not think this is a good idea, Debs."
"Trust me and climb in. I promise you will not regret whatever we do tonight."
He stared at me for a while and laid beside me with an Island of a distance between us. I scooted closer to him and cradled his head on my arm. He looked uncomfortable but adorable. His entire face was red again.
I took my phone from the nightstand and played Endless Love by Mariah Carey and Luther Vandross for his listening pleasure.
I hummed along as I lightly massaged his scalp with the hand cradling his head and used my second hand to trace a delicate line from his forehead to the tip of his nose repeatedly. He rolled his eyes at me.
"This is ridiculous, Debs. What makes you think this will cure my insomnia?"
"Oh, ye man of little faith. Relax and trust me a little. I know what I am doing. My method works like a charm on little Sam on rough nights."
"I am not a baby, Debs."
"Men are giant babies, and you are no different."
He attempted to protest with disdain pouring out of him. I shut him with my finger on his lips, and he relaxed into my arms with his body slightly turned towards me.
Soon, he was dangling between sleep and consciousness. Angeles by Enya followed, and his face turned to me completely, which made his faint and warm breaths fan my nose each split second. He smiled a little by the middle of Sanctus, by the Vienna boys' choir. His eye movements came to a complete stop, and he was snoring softly like a baby at the end.
I placed my hand on his chest to feel his steady heartbeat vibrating through my body and took my time to admire the curves of his beautiful face. I counted how many freckles were visible enough, watched how his long lashes laid beautifully over the almost invisible birthmark under his left eye. I found out he had two piercings in his earlobes, and I wondered what he would look like in earrings.
I must get him to wear one for me. Something like a black stud or small gold loop earrings would fit him perfectly.
Are you even real? Dammit! How can you be this perfect?
He looked so divine in his sleep that watching him was stopping me from sleeping. I ran my fingers through his tidy beard underneath his succulent lips, and I felt my lips inching closer to his.
I need to get out of this bed before I lose it and chew your lips out.
I carefully pulled my arm from underneath his head and replaced it with a pillow but puffed voluptuous air from my stomach as his brawny arm grabbed my waist and pulled me back to him with my back flush against his rock-hard torso.
"Do not leave me, please."
He threw his leg over mine and drifted back to sleep whilst my world was spinning. I could not control my heartbeat, and my loins were on fire with the desire that was rising from the pit of my stomach.
His fiery breath against the nape of my neck woke every damn nerve in my body. His intoxicating scent overcame my senses, and all the hairs on my body stood up.
I clenched my thighs tightly together, hoping to mitigate the throbbing at my core, but it heightened it. It was as if I would run mad if I do not give my body what it wants.
How am I going to get through this night without raping the poor man? Why am I this affected by him? Maybe it is because I have not had sex in a long time, so it is normal to feel this way with a sexy man wrapped around me.
All he was doing was holding me close, and I have turned into a dog in heat.
Quickly think of all the bad things about him that annoy you. What annoyed me was he was sleeping peacefully, and I was sweating and struggling to keep my mouth closed and not gulp every damn second.
What else?
He gets on my damn last nerve, and he is a boastful, proud, overconfident, pompous jerk, and a self-absorbed cocky man.
Yes, he is arrogant. You already said that in many colourful words, so move along, will you?
But he is also sexy, and kind, and handsome, and funny, and sweet.