Chapter 26

He violently pushed past me as I tried to block his way and entered my house with me running after him. He stopped before her crib and studied her features like a new science specimen. He squinted his eyes at her and moved to touch her, but I slapped his hand away. He smirked and made some baby sounds that caused her to giggle.

"The resemblance is uncanny. It seems as if Samuel vomited her out of his mouth, huh? I will be damned if this is not his spawn." His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree with a wicked smile playing on his lips. "Oh, this is good. Hahaha. Samuel, you have been a bad boy. You got the tramp knocked up?"

"She is not his child."

"Do not insult my intelligence, young lady. Even a blind mouse can tell this is his flesh and blood just by sniffing them, so shut up, sit down and look pretty because things are about to get interesting."

Other days, I would not be intimidated by him, but we are alone in my house, in a quiet compound, on a quiet street, in a quiet town, with a stranger threatening my child and me. So, I did what any thoughtful person would do. I sat down and look pretty.

He forcefully grabbed my phone from my hand, dialled Samuel's number and put it on hand-free mode.

"Sam the catfish? Is that what they call baby daddies these days?"

If looks could kill, Christopher would be dead already.

"He is not my baby daddy."

He turned to me with a big grin, and I took a stand between him and my daughter.

"Oh, he is, and you do not know how grateful I am for that fact."

"She is not his child, so snap out of your delusions and get out of my house."

"She is his daughter just as much as you are a bitch with a stinking attitude." He pointed his finger in my face, and I slapped it away.

"Talk to me that way again, and I will break your fucking face!"

He snickered at my outburst as Sam picked up.

"Hello, my lady." His lovely voice came from the other end of the call. "I hear you are home now, against my wishes. But no worries, I plan to visit you before I go home. How is my princess?"

Oh, Sam. You are making this worse.

"Sammy... Sammy... Sammy. You have been a very bad... bad boy." Christopher said in a sing-song voice.

After a few seconds of silence, I heard Samuel inhale sharply.

"Christopher… What the hell are you doing there?" He growled.

"Calm down, little brother. You are in no position to raise your voice at me. I am currently staring at a beautiful little version of you, Samuel. I cannot explain what a treasure she is. I just discovered I am an Uncle Sammy. Mom and dad are about to find out they are grandparents to this daughter of a whore if you do not get your stiff ass down here immediately."

"You better not touch a hair on their skin..."

"Shut up! You are in no position to make demands. Run along now, boy, come and save your little family." He dropped the call before Samuel could reply.

♫ My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they are like, it is better than yours. ♫

The ringtone shrilled through the chilling silence.

"Oh, your milkshake brought the most important boy to the yard." He pointed at my chest. "And you are about to cost him more than he can afford to lose."

I grabbed the phone from his hand, but he held onto my wrist and twisted it backwards until I lost hold of the phone, and he smashed it against the wall. I shoved him away from my child and grabbed a glass jug from the vanity table, but he shook his head whilst waving a finger at me.

"You sure you want to do this with your daughter right here? You know she could end up getting hurt. I do not know about you, but I worry about her safety since I have a nasty habit of transferring aggression."

I lowered my hand and turned to drop the glass, but he grabbed and pushed me until my back hit the wall, and his slimy hand roamed my face.

"Stop struggling. The more you struggle, the more I want you, and I would hate to take you away from my brother, considering you already gave birth to my niece."

He traced my neckline, and I pushed him off as he tried to touch my breasts.

"Touch me one more time, and I will damn all consequences until I see you bleed."

"Oh, feisty… I love that. I see why my brother likes you. We share a type."

He shifted back with his palms raised in surrender and an amused smile on his face. "You better pray your lover-boy gets here soon. I have a reputation for being impatient when I am excited."

He sat on my couch and crossed his legs with an irritating smirk on his face.