Chapter 35

The rest of the weekend went smoothly, with no incidents. Samuel kept himself covered up around me. Not that it made any difference, because nothing can make him less attractive. Not even if he wears a cassock, but I appreciated his efforts and extended him the same courtesy.

Samuel dropped us off before going to work. I told him it was unnecessary, but the gentleman insisted.

What reason do I have to say no?

Well, you would welcome any chance to spend more time with him.

We arrived at my home, and he spent over an hour playing with little Sam until she slept off, and I walked him to the gate. His hands wrap around my waist, and he pulled me into his arms before placing a lingering kiss on my swollen lips.

"I miss you already."

"Me too… I wish you can stay longer."

"I can't… my chopper will be here any minute, but I promise to call you on video as often as I can."

"If you are flying, then why did you insist on bringing us and hauling this elaborate motorcade along?"

"I thought the plate number was clue enough, Debs. The Prombron SUV we rode here in is yours."


My eyes went over the matte black and red beast before me, and I was forced to believe what he was saying because the customized plate number read GINGER 1.

"It can withstand attacks from grenades and landmines, so I am assured of your safety whenever you go out, and I attached the motorcade to you in case..."

"Oh,… no. This is highly unnecessary. Who says I need an armoured tank?"

"My security team accessed the potential threat to you, and this is their recommendation."

"I do not care what your team says because you are taking all these back with immediate effect. I want my life back to normal immediately."

"I know it feels like a lot is happening at once, but you will get used to the lifestyle soon, I promise. This a credit card set up for you. Use it at your discretion."

"I have enough money to take care of myself, trust me. I am not poor."

He extended the key and card to me, but I refused to take them.

"I am not comfortable with this sudden chaos in my life or using your money, Sam. I never bargained for all these."

"I know you did not ask for all these, but it is what comes with the lifestyle, so get used to it."

He grabbed my hand to hold me steady and pushed them into my back pocket.

"The thing is, I cannot get used to it, Samuel. From who you are to the extreme changes, elaborate gifts that are unnecessary, and the overwhelming security details moving about my home all day and night long." I gestured at the men littered about in suits with the stiffness of their guns visible from their jackets, and his eyes followed my hand around. But clearly, he saw nothing wrong with it. "I cannot go on my regular evening walks because they insist on escorting me. Even Christopher has not made another move, so I think their presence is pointless. I need my life back, Samuel. This is too troublesome. Just get them out of my home."

"I will not compromise on your safety, Debs. You will take the gifts because of what use is my money if I cannot spoil the ones I love? I will not remove these guys because you are a walking target as long as you are involved with me, and I will rather you be safe than I be sorry."

"I get that you want me to be comfortable, and you want to spoil me, but I am not used to this because I have always worked hard to earn every dime I own or spend, and I take pride in that. Accepting money from anyone does not come naturally to me. The speed at which things are changing feels as if we are on a race, and I want to stop and catch my breath."

"My life has always been a race, Debs. I achieved too fast, grew too fast, and I do not have a pause or stop button. I want to be around you, so I am doing everything humanly possible to ensure that remains a reality. Yes, it is a super-fast lane to be with me, but I do not count days, Debby. I count how much I care. How much I want to be with you and how much I want to shower you with care, attention, and protect you. You cannot make me feel bad for wanting to do those things for you because it is all I can do to ensure you remain in my life. It is all I can do because I do not want to let go of whatever is budding between us, so meet me halfway, please."

"I get what you are saying, and I understand I am being a bitch about it, but can we make a compromise on the security measures? Like the metal detector and facial scanner is okay. I do not think I need the guys, and the drone hovering above is necessary. It brings too much attention that I do not need right now."

"These measures are extremely necessary."

"You are just being extra, and you know it. I hate being guarded. I feel caged and anxious as if something is going to happen soon. Your guys harass my neighbours each time they pass by as they are asked to produce valid identification and are subjected to a full-body search. They almost made Mrs Edna piss her pants with intimidation and interrogation when she came to ask what was going on. Recall them, please. People around are scared shitless, and my landlord called to inquire about it. I get that you are worried, but this is overkill."

"It seems you really do not know who you are with, Debs. You do not recognize the magnitude of affluence attached to me, and with such comes equal fervour of enemies. You do not realize what being involved with me means because if you do, you would beg for extra security. Just like Christopher, my enemies will soon find out about you, and then you will realize how easy they can twist my arm by twisting yours."

"You are scaring me, Sam."

"Good. It should scare you because that way, you will accept all necessary precautions. It is either you get comfortable having these guys around and be receptive to more security measures that may arise, or let me get you a well-secured home that will render these efforts useless or, you can get your things and move in with me. I will give you a week to make your decision."

He kissed my head as the helicopter with Maxim Group boldly written on it made a dramatic landing before my gate, and he took off amidst the extra attention it gathered.

I could see my neighbours looking through their windows, so I rushed back in from their line of sight.