Chapter 2 Part II

- First Point of View -

- Ingram POV -

I sense four individual with a impure holy energy inside them was residing inside the abandoned church that I previously used as a base for my Human-no Stray Devil Transmutation to create a Philosopher's Stone. Although I erased the evidence, I placed some Sensory Wards on that place in case that some intruders come unwelcome.

" What are you thinking senpai?" Koneko's voice wake me up from thinking how to treat my labra-no intruder, I look towards Koneko who thought that I was looking at her cookies which she give me a piece of it and put in front of my mouth, without rejecting I opened my mouth and took the cookie on it and also licked the fingers that previously holds the cookie.

" Senpai, you pervert." she quietly said as she took her hand off and hides her face from me. I unconsciously pat her head due to her cuteness especially if she let out her cat ears.

" Yuck!!! you stupid bird and your poop!!!" a certain moron say as he got another batch of freshly poop fall exactly to his mouth.

" Urgh..." he got choked by a poop.

- After School -

- Einzbern Castle -

This castle was built by me five months ago using Alchemy Magecraft( modified by me ) via large amounts of Transmutation Circles on the Mountain that previously have layline on it long time ago. Although the mana traces in the mountain was low as ten high class beings it was still enough to become a medium in Alchemy to convert the mountain into a castle in concrete stones. I used the Einzbern Castle as a reference to make me not to feel being homesick in this world.

But now this castle instead of made of concrete stone, it was made of jet-black ore called Obsidian Stone and in between them was three inches thick mithril plate which is resistant against magic and physical attacks. Thanks to the Philosopher's Stone that I developed using the lives of Stray Devils which is more powerful than the usual after all devils lifespan was equivalent of hundreds or thousands human lifespan.

And I have been promoted into a Mid Class devil yesterday due to contributions of Empowered Philosopher's Stone as the recommendation of Ajuka Beelzebub, a fellow researcher and the one who created the Evil Piece, and most of all he is Super Satan one of the devils who breaks the limit of the pinnacle devil Satan.

He said that the procedure of creating Philosopher's Stone has been vanished along the Tower of Babel due Alchemists's arrogance at that time was challenged the God to become their equal, which angered the God and destroyed the Tower of Babel along those Alchemist, and to make sure no one will gain legacy of those Alchemist, he sent all of the remains of the tower in the Dimensional Gap.

In Renaissance Period, a Legendary physician and also Alchemist named Paracelsus von Hohenheim whose someone can mass produce the Philosopher's Stone was brutally killed due to the greed of those someone who sent the group of assassins after the Alchemist. But unfortunately for them after they killed Paracelsus, all of his properties was exploded which caused forcibly opened the Dimensional Gap and suck everything around it.

That's why the Philosopher's Stone was very rare object, that even Ajuka was willing to back me up in promotion to become a Mid class Devil although my individual strength could par against below Satan along with Balance Breaker.


I teleported towards here via Magic Circle and went towards the secret room that even Rias and the rest of the peerage didn't knew the existence of the room. When the room was opened, the room was completely plated by mithril and the middle of the room was huge Blunt-resistant glass capsule with a person inside it. There was a little girl who appearance was similar in thirteen years old child, her silver white hair was long that reached to her back and her body was petite compared to the children in their age, this little girl was none other than Illyasviel von Einzbern, my lover and my beloved twin sister.

A month later after I remastered the Bounded Field to the highest level where I could partially opened the Reality Marble, I managed to retrieve Illya along with her soul without any changes on it as if my Reality Marble created inside my shadow has no concept of time.

After a quick surgery and transplant the highest quality of Empowered Philosopher's Stone to her chest where the Holy Grail fragment previously reside. She probably needs at least two to three months to wake up due to assimilation process, unlike me who possessed the body that inhabitant of this world, for Illya whose body was not from this world needs to stabilize the equilibrium in the body which also needs to adjust the magic circuit and implants it inside the Empowered Philosopher's Stone.

Now her breathing was stabilize and some of her functions and organs was starting to work again. After that I walked towards another capsule where the Crimson Double Edged Sword was floating on it, currently was starting to accept me as a new wielder of Gram but still needs to put a large array of runes to convert the needs of vitality into Demonic Energy like I did to Balance Breaker of Boosted Gear.

Ddraig was currently asleep due to ceremony of sacrifice parts of the body to change into dragon one. I exchanged my brain, heart and lungs into a dragonic one, the first one is the brain, which allowed me use the one hundred percent potential of the brain it also granted me a pseudo magic library inside my brain that also contains Boost ability of Ddraig. The heart was allows me to generate mana through dragon blood that pumped from the dragon heart. And lastly the lungs which allows me to generate vitality and speed up the regeneration of both Demonic Energy and Dragonic Mana at the same time, plus special ability that the dragons have called Dragon Breath.( A/N: some of the reference came from another Fanfic called Annihilation Maker DXD by Soul_Caliber)

I drained the liquid that contains inside the capsule and took the Gram who seems eager to hunt, I used a bit of heat from my hand to evaporate the liquid around the sword and hoisted the sword in the Avalon( Alter ) that magically appeared in my back.

" Okay let's greet the guests shall we?" I says that as the sword lit up as if trying to agree with me, after that I vanished in the castle to the Abandoned Church.

- To be Continued -