
In the year 2079 the world was threatened by a great catastrophe of which the only culprits were the humans who were in charge of polluting the earth, water and atmosphere of the planet to such an extent that life little by little began to die out beginning with the weakest organisms.

With the great increase in heat that the planet suffered, the droughts intensified and the forests began to dry up, which not only caused a natural imbalance but also threatened the survival of the human race which, having fewer and fewer ways to cultivate their food and keep their livestock, began to suffer casualties in different parts of the world, especially in countries where the situation was already bad long before.

The overpopulation and the continuous increase in the human population together with the expansion of its territory meant that more and more trees had to be cut from the few remaining forests, further damaging the planet and human society itself as the number of impoverished people increased much faster than it could decline ... This caused the movement known as VHEMT also known as the "movement for voluntary human extinction" to receive much more support from people and will go to new extremes by making supporters said movement will commit suicide or murder other people.

People were more and more disgusted with their governments. In many countries of the world, mainly in the poorest, there began to be riots: armed civilians looking for a way to survive due to the shortage of food and drinking water. Money no longer mattered in that time of chaos.

Seeing all this chaos, the governments of the world had to use force to repress the masses and stop them causing problems.

Scientists were looking for ways to reduce chaos: ways to cool and clean the atmosphere, reduce pollution of the seas and repair damage to the ground, they were looking for forms of pollution-free energy, and so many other research and tests were being carried out. held in different parts of the world. But, nidie gave quick and concrete results.

It was then that a little-known company called "Technology For Tomorrow" (Technology For Tomorrow) became known for giving the results that were long awaited. This company was in charge of reducing pollution by offering technologies to obtain energy without generating pollution, one of them was to take solar panels to a new level so that they were capable of generating several times more energy than a common solar panel and in a more efficient. But, their greatest contribution was found in the area of ​​genetics because they had managed to modify the DNA of different species of animals making them more resistant to the changes that were occurring in the world, they called these animals "Hybrids" and their objective was to correct the natural imbalance that humanity had caused.

Hybrids adapted with incredible speed to the new habitats into which they had been released, helping to restore ecosystems and reducing food shortages that had occurred globally.

The people of "Technology of Tomorrow" made millions and millions of money and recognition by succeeding in what many other companies, scientists, and even world powers had failed to do.


A press meeting was taking place at the company's main headquarters. A young man named Greims Graham, the chief executive officer (CEO) of T.F.T, sat next to his colleagues staring at the dozens of journalists and cameras in front of them.

—How did Technology For Tomorrow come about? —Asked a woman from the press.

Cameras and microphones fixed on Dreims, awaiting her response.

"What prevents us from progressing as a species and society?" Greims asked the press people in response. But very few offered an answer, and those who did did not give the correct one. The answer is Money.

»Money moves the world, nobody can deny that, but it also divides people. Create a social separation which day by day becomes more evident. Many social problems arise from this, including discrimination. It is the most common problem but, in my opinion, the most serious because those who do not have money are despised by those who do and do not have the same possibilities of advancing in life.

»Well, I set out to search the parts of society where no one sees what is really hidden. And what I found were many brilliant minds —he said, pointing to his companions who were next to him. Many of them were young people—, they did not seem to be geniuses but looked like normal and simple people. People who in their heads had great ideas and the knowledge to make them come true, but what they didn't have was the money to make them come true.

»That is where I came in. As the son of a wealthy family, I had money inherited from my parents and the knowledge to run a business. So I took those people and put them together in one place to find the solution to the problem the world was facing. They had the knowledge and I the money. This is how we achieved our goal.

The journalists and reporters who were present listened to Greims's words with great attention as they wrote on their notebooks or mobile devices.

»There are many diseases that still have no cure. Perhaps ... The cure for one of these diseases is found in the mind of someone who could not pay for their studies or could not get enough capital to start their project.

»I want this to be a message for the people of the world who have brilliant minds —he said, staring at the camera in front of him—. It doesn't matter where they come from, who they are, or what their social position is. The doors of my company will always be open to receive those brilliant minds that are waiting to be known to the world.

At the end of that press conference, the Greims message reached many people around the world. As the days passed, more and more people came to the doors of T.F.T with the intention of joining the company bringing ideas and projects that would amaze the people of the 21st century and make society jump into the next century.

Some of the new projects focus on cleaning the oceans and seas with a technology that is embodied in collecting the garbage thrown by humans and at the same time purifying the water that had been contaminated by oil spills and other harmful liquids. Other projects focused on the creation of technologies for medicine creating machines and devices capable of indicating disease and attacking symptoms and also treating and healing wounds more quickly and efficiently than a human would. And the most important project was the Level 2 Hybrids, which were animals that possessed the DNA of two or three different animals thus combining their appearances and making them similar to fantastic creatures, these animals were sold as pets or to zoos for the entertainment of The people and their most notable characteristics were their intelligence and their extravagant colors because the Geneticists who created them could manipulate what color the Hybrid would have, how intelligent it would be, if it would be carnivorous, herbivorous or omnivorous, and even if it would be a docile animal or aggressive.


What no one outside the company thought was that before achieving the creation of a new Hybrid, the TFT Geneticists made many mistakes: some minor ones such as not combining the DNA correctly causing the Hybrid to die within a short time of life and others much worse caused by the combination of DNA from many species of animals which caused them not to be able to control the behavior or appearance of the creature. They classified these errors as Level 3 Hybrids. Realizing that they were not able to combine the DNA of various species successfully, they decided to stop their experiments and only concentrate on improving Level 1 and 2 Hybrids. 3 to a secret facility where they were kept captive but studying their behavior and development in detail.

The decades went by and Technology of Tomorrow became the company that reigned over all others regardless of the area, except for the military and arms industry.

Unfortunately, the governments of the world took the most advanced technologies of T.F.T and used them for the creation of weapons of different types, especially nuclear weapons. In the year 2126 the creation of nuclear weapons had happened on a large scale as most countries began to produce them which in turn caused the world crisis to return, and by the year 2140 the situation was several times worse than it had been. faced 60 years ago.

The nuclear weapons tests had great consequences. The land, atmosphere and air had been polluted on such a scale that T.F.T or any other company or organization could clean it up.

Cleaning solid waste was easy, but, ¿how do you clean the air? ¿How would radiation decrease in areas affected by constant atomic weapons testing? They could do it but that would take many years, and that was something that humanity did not have.

The animals began to die from the drastic change in their habitat and, although Level 1 and Level 2 Hybrids could better withstand the change in the environment, they also began to die slowly.

Faced with a global catastrophe, people came to the T.F.T company asking for an option to save their race and the planet, but the response they received was not very encouraging.

—There is nothing we can do —Greims said seriously to the press—. Radiation causes pollution to get worse very quickly and the lack of trees reduces oxygen purification.

People panicked upon hearing that but still assimilated and accepted it after a while as they were largely to blame for the situation the world was in.

—This was caused by the governments of the world by using our technology in the wrong way —he said, getting up from his seat and leaving the place leaving.

Greims walked to his office where he called his colleagues, those who founded the company with him. Most were already elderly and some others had died leaving their children or grandchildren to occupy their positions within the company.

-We need a solution. ¿What could we do to avoid the extinction of humanity? -I ask them seriously but with kindness.

They all remained silent, they knew that there was nothing they could do to save themselves from death, but a shout from the other side of the door exalted them.

-There is a way! -Said a man opening the door and entering the place, the man was dark and of good physical build-. The human population must be reduced, this would help conserve the few resources that we have left and give us more time to purify the planet.

Those present were shocked to hear that solution, to do so implied committing genocide and they were not willing to do it.

-It's crazy! -Exclaimed the youngest present almost at the same time.

-According to a study carried out in the 20th century, the increase in the human population would cause this to happen at some point -The man began to show them some papers that he had brought with him-, pollution increases because our population increases and that causes global warming increase which in turn causes more hunger and increases chaos. The only option is the reduction of the human population.

-We are not going to do that period! -Greims exclaimed with authority.

-You said it yourself "There is nothing to do". I am giving you a choice. Do you accept or not? —He asked seriously—. In addition, we already have a plan for humanity to be saved.

-I already said no! -Greims finished and asked that man to leave the place.

-It's a shame -The man spoke and then he walked towards the door, it seemed that he was going to open it to leave but what he did was very different from what they expected.

The man turned around raising his arm showing a pistol and firing at the Greims who fell to the ground after receiving the projectile in the head.

-¿Any other? —She asked sarcastically— Come with me if you want to live -She said and then left the room.

Those present remained in silence looking at the corpse of his boss. They were shocked by the scene, especially the younger ones, but they were also thinking about the man's proposal.

—You must go with him —Said an old woman to the younger ones. She had been one of the founders of the company with Greims helping to create the Hybrids.

—She's right —said another one of the elders. He too had been with Greims in the beginning of it all and had also helped create the Hybrids—. We already live long enough. If that boy has any way for them to survive, they must accompany him.

Upon hearing that, the younger ones began to leave to follow the man who had been there a few moments ago.

—Grandmother... —Said a young blonde haired girl as she hugged the woman who spoke moments ago.

—Nazareth —The old woman whispered, reciprocating her granddaughter's embrace—. Go easy, I'll be fine. And I'm sure your parents will understand.

Nazareth stood up still looking at his grandmother with teary eyes.

In the room there was also another girl saying goodbye to her relative, her name was Sharon and she was the granddaughter of the old man that she had spoken of before her.

You loved girls, they were friends because their grandparents were the leaders of the Genetics area of ​​the company and their parents also worked there, so they did the same.

After losing their grandparents, both young women left the room while the elderly just sat there, prepared for their near end. They quickly caught up with the group following the man who murdered Greims and approached said man to hear what he was saying to everyone.

—The plan is already in place —she said without stopping her walk—. It is good that they decided to come with me so they will be able to survive and create a new world with me and my companions.

-And what is "that" plan? -Asked Sharon getting closer to the man.

-And you are? -He returned the question looking at the woman from the corner of his eye.

-Sharon What about you? She asked, extending her hand to him.

—I'm Jackson —he answered, extracting his new partner's hand—. Well Elena, the plan is simple ...

Jackson's plan was simple and consisted of freeing the Level 3 Hybrids to attack the humans and reduce their population. Thus the contamination would be gradually reduced more easily.

-After studying these Hybrids my father realized that their resistance to the weather and their ability to adapt is greater than that of any animal or Hybrid of level 1 or 2, and also their intelligence is quite high because of what they learn with ease. If I release them ... -Jackson was interrupted by Sharon.

-And when will you tell us how you plan to survive if you free those Hybrids? -I question the girl sarcastically.

—How impatient you are —she complained and then let out a sigh—. Once the Hybrids are released from the area where they are, we will go into a cryogenic sleep. My father had predicted that this would happen so he prepared and designed a functional cryogenic machine, when he died and the environment began to change so quickly me and my colleagues started to build more of those machines. They all work, do not worry about it -She said since he thought that the others did not believe her.

—Well, Well continue explaining what you will do when you release the Hybrids —An Asian man suggested.

—When the Hybrids are released they will start attacking people so I suppose people will attack them too, but, never mind. Level 3 Hybrids are very resistant and intelligent, in addition to adapting easily to the environment and reproducing in a short time. No matter how hard people try to stop them, it will be almost impossible and only very few people will be saved. That will help the planet fix itself.

Jackson took his companions to his "laboratory", a secret laboratory that Technology For Tomorrow had located inside a mountain. Inside the lab were the Hybrid cages. What surprised Jackson's guests was that there were far more Hybrids than had registered, to which Jackson replied that it was due to their speed of reproduction.

-Follow me here.

Jackson started deeper into the lab and stopped at a large metal hatch.

-Behind that door are the cryogenic machines -he said putting his hand on a panel that seemed to be scanning it-, before we free the Hybrids we have to enter them.

-Ah yes ... If we go in, how are you going to free the Hybrids? —The Asian asked sarcastically.

-Simple, the cages have a countdown counter -he answered-, once all the cryogenic machines are activated the cage counters will be activated and once they reach zero the cages will open. Not only will the cages be opened, All the doors of the laboratory will be opened so that the Hybrids can get out, that is why the machines are behind this metal gate -he continued explaining-. It will not open as this area was built separate from the main lab to prepare us for this situation.

—Well we have to start —Nazareth suggested.

The gates were opened revealing an area with machines similar to a glass coffin, there were already several machines in use since Jackson's companions had already entered them and only Jackson and his new companions were missing to initiate the liberation of the Hybrids

-It will be as if they slept one day -he said smiling as his new companions entered the machines, once they were all inside a machine he added- We will sleep for a thousand years but they will not notice the difference between a normal dream of a day -He said once that they were all inside a machine.

Jackson activated each of the machines; people who entered a machine were put to sleep by a type of gas that was released inside. Then a liquid covered the person, who could still breathe and receive oxygen thanks to a type of mask that they put on before entering. And finally the machine began to lower the temperature of the liquid and the host until it was almost completely frozen. Next to each machine was a monitor that showed each person's heart rate and the time when they would wake up.

Jackson was the last to enter one of the machines as he had to set up his own machine himself. When the machine he entered was activated the counters in the Hybrid cages also activated as the laboratory doors opened one by one to the entrance. When the cage counters hit zero the Hybrids ran fiercely out of and headed outside.

The Hybrids unleashed chaos throughout America, towns and cities were destroyed due to the fierce battle against the Hybrids. The humans tried to defend themselves but for every Hybrid they killed ten people died.

The damage caused by the battle between humans and hybrids destroyed much of the remaining ecosystem on earth, making the situation much worse for humans. The people tried to escape to various islands from the sea in the hope that the Hybrids would not catch up with them, but, they did not even have time to get into a transport that would take them where they wanted to go as the Hybrids began to attack the places where they wanted to go. that there was some transport with which people could escape, it was as if they were attacking at strategic points.

In a short time the Hybrids spread throughout America almost completely eliminating the humans, the people of other continents thought that they were safe and that the Hybrids were unable to swim across the sea, but their hopes of living collapsed when the Hybrids began to reach the shores of their territories.

After two hundred years of their liberation in a laboratory in America, the Hybrids had managed to annihilate almost the entire human population and spread over almost the entire planet.

The surviving humans decided to call that event "The Hybrid Revolution."

▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ End of Chapter █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂

I hope you found it interesting.

Note: There is actually a study conducted in the twentieth century (I think, I do not remember exactly) in which it is said that if the human population continues to increase, it will reach a critical point where the only solution will be to reduce it.

Edited prologue: 04-10-2021.

I hope this new version of the prologue is more interesting than the previous one.