
Mike "fucking faggot. your disgusting. why don't you die and go to hell"

I felt like crying no ones ever said that to me before and I don't like it. I start to shake but before I know it Shawn, my best friend, is already charging at him when he punches him in the stomach multiple times and a few times in the nose this fight goes on for 10 minutes with Mike fighting back but mike finally drops and Shawn starts to kick him.

Shawn is screaming about how he's the disgusting one, a bastard, disgrace and a lot more. also screaming about how he should never say anything like that to me ever again. suddenly I hear sirens and see flashing blue and red lights. I run up to him and wrap my arms around his waist. an ambulance pulls up first and puts Mike in the back of an ambulance and drives of

"please Shawn stop the police are here let's go" I plead I don't want to get him in trouble I want to run away with him for more than one reason and it's not to just get away from the police.

He turns around and hugs me he bends down near me ears and whispers "I'm sorry."

I shake my head I don't even know what I'm supposed to say to that. it's not his fault.

I start to feel a pulling sensation. I open my eyes and see the cops pulling him of, of me. I start crying. I don't want this. this hurts me more than mikes words.

"no. no. no! you can't take him. you can't!" the police ignores me as one holds me back from running back to Shawn and one reads Shawn his rights. he starts to take Shawn to the cop car when I break out of the cops arms and run up to him. I throw my self at him and wrap my arms around his neck. I keep repeating the words 'please don't take him' the other cop comes back over and pulls me of while the other puts Shawn in the car the cop let's go of me and walks to the car door.

I look through the window of the car and see Shawn smiling sadly. I can't help but fall to the ground and carry on sobbing as the car drives of. one of my other friends Brendon comes over and lifts me up to my feet he pulls me over to a bench and i lay my head on his shoulder crying me eyes out but now I can't breathe. I feel light headed then everything goes black and I don't know what happened after that.

I wake up in a room and see my parents, Brendon and Shawn parents there. I break down once again remembering what happened. everyone comes over and tries to comfort me.

"h he... he's gone. they t took him"

mum "I know sweetie Brendon called us all"

I look to Shawn's  parents

"why aren't you with him. how long are they going to keep him. what going to happen to him. why aren't you with him"

they both look at me sadly.

Shawns mum "it's alright sweetie but they won't let us see him right now. they won't even tell us what's going on so we just came here instead of sitting round there waiting for no reason. we're just waiting for their call. can you tell us what happened"

I nod "Mike was calling me stuff like fag and saying that I should die and go to hell then Shawn just launched at him they were fighting for about ten minutes when Mike fell and Shawn carried on kicking him and screaming at him. I'm sorry I know I shouldve tried to stop him but..."

shawns dad "it's alright son you wouldn't have been able to not when he's like that. although I'm happy to know he did it for you. to protect you. he will be fine"

I nod "can you tell me what happens with him and what the police say."

"of course" both of them say

a week goes by and the court just decided shawns fate I'm sat there crying on the bench outside of the court room with Brendon my parents and shawns parents. the judge decided that Shawn is going to prison for a year and half. I can't believe this. this is all my fault.

shawns mum "sweetie this isn't your fault it's ok. you will see him again ok. please don't blame yourself"

I shake my head. it is my fault everything is

"if I wasn't gay this wouldn't have happened. it's my fault"

Brendon "no! don't you dare say that I saw how you were before you came out compared to when you came out you are so much better now and you didn't have the choice to be gay remember that's what you've told people who didn't really understand you don't choose to be gay. it's Mikes fault for being a homophobic prick. Blame him. he did this to himself. Shawn is just the one getting punished for it. so don't ever say that again or blame yourself. ok"

I nod I know he's right but I just can't help it he's going to prison for protecting me how can I not blame myself.

months are going by and I still can't help but blame myself he won't even let me visit him because he says it's too dangerous for me. I need to learn to protect myself so he doesn't ever get in trouble for protecting me again. I've been going gym, I'm on a diet and I've got a personal trainer I'm been in training matches and won a few. I'm definetly getting better and more confident but I still can't help but blame myself.

I go to bed and cry I wake up and cry whenever what happened pops into my head I start to cry again both mine and shawns family have been by my side they still tell me to this day that it isn't my fault even Brendon is. he's stays at mine sometime. maybe once a week, sometimes a few times a week he's been there to comfort me. and no not in that way I don't see him like that and, he's not gay so, neither does he. he just listens to me cry and talk and we talk about his problems too I still need to be his friend and be by his side when he needs me but I wish I was also by shawns side and supporting him but I'm not. I can't.

another few months go by and

I've graduated from high school and I'm starting college I'm going to the same one that me and Shawn and Brendon were planning on going to. Brendon is here with me but he's not my roommate. I don't have one but he makes sure to come over whenever he can, we go out together, we go to training together and spar sometimes, we go gym together, we study together.

I'm studying sports and fitness so I can become a personal trainer in my future to. to help people who were like me. I want to help people become stronger. it's 7 months until Shawn gets out of prison ive been counting the days I can't wait to finally see him again I haven't seen him for 11 months almost a year I send him things now and then presents that they will allow me to send and letters.

I don't know if you've figured it out yet but I'm in love with him and I have been for about 6 years since we were about 12 we grew up together out mothers and fathers were best friends before we were even born. I didn't even get to tell him before he went away and I regret that. I plan on telling him when he gets out I can't keep it in forever and not when I see him again. my parents, his parents and Brendon know about my feelings they have done for years.

the 7 months have finally gone by and it's time to go and pick him up. I seriously can't wait I've missed him so much but I'm also nervous because I said to my family and his that I'll finally confess to him today and I don't know if I'm gonna regret it we're all going out for lunch when we're done and his family have agreed to let him stay at mine tonight if he agrees.

we're stood outside of the prison gates when I finally see Shawn walking towards the gates with a guard both his family and mine are smiling at me mainly because I'm basically jumping up and down because I'm so excited. I've waited a year and a half for this and I finally get to see him I feel like crying. but I don't want me crying to be one of the first things he sees when he gets out.

a minute later he makes it out of the gates he starts walking forward and he smiles widely when he sees us stood there. I run up to him and jump he catches me and pulls me into a tight hug as i wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I cling onto him with tears falling lightly down my face I pull back to see him looking at me he wipes my tears from under my eyes lightly. I lean forward and smash my lips against his. he doesn't hesitate even for a second as he kisses me back I pull back and bump my forehead against his and keep it there

"I love you."

Shawn "I love you too"

I smash my lips against his once again he leans into my kiss. we both pull back and I lay my head on his shoulder. he walks towards mine and his family while I cling to him. when we get to them I get down from him and stand next to him as he says hello to everyone and hugs them. I can't help but stand close to him and not want to move away. I follow him to the cars he goes to his family's car he climbs in and I stand there ready to wave and meet him there even though I don't want to.

Shawn "you not getting in"

I nod instantly and climb in beside him buckling myself in as he does. he pulls me closer to him and I lay my head on his shoulders once again as he lays his head on top of mine and he grabs my hand and holds it all the way to the restaurant we're going to which takes 45 minutes.

my parents following behind us when we pull into the parking lot of the restaurant and we all walk inside and get a table. we talk about different things how his prison life was, what I'm doing at college and what went on outside while he was inside. we talk for 2 hours when we finally leave.

I stop Shawn for a minute.

"do you want to come and stay at my dorm for a night and we can talk."

Shawn "of course baby that sounds good. let me just tell my parents to take us there"

I nod and we walk back to the cars I tell my parents he is coming to my dorm and I'll be round for tea tomorrow as he tells his family that he's coming to mine.

I climb into his parents car beside him and we drive of to my college. it's only 1pm I should have classes but they let me have the day of because they knew that I was going to meet Shawn. we walk into the dorms near the college and take The elevator up to the 3rd floor me and Shawn are still holding hands we haven't let go and we don't want to. as I walk to my dorm door I see Brendon stood outside.

"hey Brendon"

he turns around and looks at me and then noticed Shawn he smiles widely. Brendon hugs Shawn as he hugs back

Brendon "it's nice to see you again Shawn it's been too long we will have to talk tomorrow I assume your staying here tonight."

Shawn "ye how about you come by tomorrow around dinner time and we can all go for dinner I just had a proper meal a few hours ago for the first time in over a year and I need more. you don't mind do you Parker"

"no of course not just come by here tomorrow and we can go"

Brendon "ok ye I will do see you both tomorrow. it's nice to see you again Shawn"

Shawn nods and hugs him again and says bye.

Brendon walks of and I unlock my door pulling him in behind me. I pull him to my bed and shove him down I climb on his lap and smash my lips against his. he grabs a hold of my hips as he kisses back I can't help but moan into his mouth. he rock his hips up causing our dicks to rub together if I was stood up my legs would've collapsed by now. I stop him and myself by pulling back.

"will you be my boyfriend"

Shawn grins

Shawn "yes baby of course I will. I can't believe this is finally happening I've loved you for years. I've missed you I never want to be away for you for that long ever again"

"me too I really missed you I've been waiting for this day for years and been waiting for you to come back to me for a year and half I never want to be separated from you like that ever again Or at all."

Shawn nods and pulls me back down to kiss me he pulls my top over my head and starts to unbutton my pants I stand up and pull them down along with my underwear when I notice Shawn staring at me I blush

"why you staring at me"

Shawn "it's just you've gotten bigger more muscles and you've got abs"

I look down. "oh ye you said you've liked me for years does that mean you prefer the littler cuter version of me"

Shawn stands up and holds my hands

Shawn "of course not baby it wasn't your body I fell in love with it was you I don't care what you look like and your still absolutely cute"

"but I'm different like that too I'm more confident. I'm more confident in fighting and standing up for myself now. do you not prefer the me you needed to protect"

Shawn leans forward and kisses me then pulls back "that's a good thing I think it's amazing that your more confident but I still love you, I'm still in love with you and I always will be."

I nod

"never put yourself down like that I'll show you and tell you everyday how much I love you. and I've got a surprise close your eyes"

I do what he says I hear a noise and then he tells me to open my eyes. I do. I don't know what the surprise is until I notice a tattoo right over his heart. my name is tattooed right over his heart. I feel like I wanna cry but I don't.

"why. what if I didn't love you back like that. what if we never even confessed and never started dating how would you have explained that."

Shawn "simple you were keeping me sane while I was there I knew that you were going to be there for me when I came out but I wanted you to be able to be with me while I was there so I got your name I've always loved you. if you didn't love me back then I don't know but it worked out"

I nod "I love you"

Shawn " I love you too"

I drop to my knees and start to unbuckle his belt then his button on his pants I look up and see him looking down at me with a look that's mixed with surprise and happiness and lust. I pull down his pants along with his underwear. I tease him by dragging my nail lightly down his dick from his tip to his balls I notice him twitch as I do. I open my mouth and close my lips around the tip and lick around the tip he places his hands on my head as I do this I carry on and take him further into my mouth bobbing my head up and down for a few minutes when he pulls back I look up at him.

Shawn "I want to do it inside of you"

I stand up and shove him back down on the bed I climb on top of his lap I bend over so my face is close to his and slip my fingers into my ass I gasp and he takes this chance to slip his tongue in my mouth he place his hands on my ass as I carry on fingering myself until he takes my fingers out and slips his in as best as he can while in this position.

a few minutes go by and he slips a third in. after a few minutes of me panting and rocking against his dick trying to get more friction and trying to get his fingers in deeper he pulls them out I let out a whine and he lift me by my hips a little and lines his dick up with my ass I slowly lower myself down onto him little by little until he's all the way in me.

when I stop feeling the pain and just pleasure that's when I start to ride him properly his hands are still on my ass as I bounce up and down I can't help but go faster and harder. when it's all the way in I keep grinding down when I do that I feel him hit my prostate and I bite my lip drawing blood trying to surpress a loud pleasurable scream.

Shawn pulls me down for a kiss and drags my lip from my teeth he slowly licks my lip where I bit it

Shawn "don't do that I want to hear you"

he kisses me and starts to thrust upwards meeting my prostate every time. I moan into his mouth and I can feel him smile. I carry on meeting his thrust for a few minutes when he grabs my dick and starts to jerk me of this time I accidentally let a loud moan slip out. I blush and Shawn smiles he carries on jerking me of when I feel the need to cum

"I need to Cum!"

Shawn "go ahead baby I'm right behind you"

I shoot my load all over his chest and a minute later he cums in my ass causing me to once again let out a small moan. I slowly raise my self of, of him and stand up my knees give out on me and I'm about to fall when Shawn catches me.

Shawn "where are you going"

"to get a cloth for us to wipe our selves down you've got cum on you and I've got it in my ass."

Shawn "where's the bathroom"

I point to a door and he picks me up carrying me to it he turns on the shower and waits for it to get hot. as we do he swipes his finger up his chest and swipes up the cum I shot all over him and puts it in his mouth he swallows it all up and let's out a moan. I blush

Shawn "let's get it and get that cum out of you"

"don't waste it." I say smiling. I try to swipe it up from my ass but my arms hurt from supporting myself to do that and I can't bend properly to do it.

Shawn smiles at me and pulls me close he swipes his finger up my ass and places his finger in front of me I take his finger and put it in my mouth licking of the cum I let out a low moan.

Shawn leans down to my ear and whispers to me "your twitching and pushing more cum out do you want that too."

I nod. yes I do I want all of him I want to taste him. call it disgusting all you want but that little taste of his cum is addicting I want more. I swallow it and we both take a shower just a normal one wiping each other down and Shawn may have had to finger me a little more to make sure there was no more left in me. I almost got hard again but i didn't have the energy and he didn't seem to either.

when we get out we order food sit down and watch a few movies before we lay down in bed together my head on his chest. he isn't wearing a top and I trace over his tattoo I lean up a little and kiss it.

"I like it"

Shawn "I'm glad I do too"

"I love you"

Shawn "I love you too"

we both fall asleep and the next day we end up going together to get food with Brendon we talk about a lot like how we are dating now. Brendon was really happy for us. we also tell our parents who are really happy for us and glad that we finally told each other.

8 years go by and we're 26 now. he ended up moving into my dorm when he signed up and got accepted to the college he also studied sports and fitness but he wants to own a gym. we moved in together when we were 19 even though we didn't finish college by then but we wanted our own place. we got married 5 years ago. only small with close friends and family. he now owns a gym actually multiple he accepts ex cons and people who haven't been to prison. he's made it far and I'm a personal trainer at the gym he works and owns hes got other people managing the other gyms.  we have 3 adopted kids a 6 year old, 4 year old and a 2 year old we are on our way to adopting a 1 month old baby we're supposed to be getting him soon we just need the call to tell us that we can go and pick him up and finally

bring him home. our parents babysit a lot becuase they adore the kids and they seen a picture of the one we are bringing home to the family soon and they can't wait to meet him. we have family barbecues every week. Brendon also comes with his kids he married a nice girl he met at college they got married 4 years ago and have 1 child with another on the way the kids 3 years old now. she's a month away from giving birth now we all get along well with her she fits right in with the family. she loves our kids and we love hers