
Finlay's pov

Hi I'm Finlay I'm 17 and I love with my brothers best friend. Who are both 18 years old. They're both in their second year of college while I'm in my first. But like I was saying I'm in love with my brothers best friend Callum. I know he doesn't like me back but I still have these feelings knowing that it's impossible.

My brother tells me I should just confess to him but I can't do that when he will just turn me down.

Although skipping that for now I'm at college right now as Callum walks up to me he stops dead in front of me.

Callum "your not gonna lock your self in your room for the party your brothers throwing are you"

"Ye probably I might just watch tv"

Callum "no you can do that. At least show your face for a few hours"

I whine "why though"

Callum "because we don't see each other like we use to we're always busy and I miss hanging out with you at least come down for a few hours and then we can watch tv in your room after it I'm spending the night anyway"

"Alright fine only for a few hours"

Callum crap "alright good come on I'll walk you too class"

I nod and we walk side by side to class he stops at my classroom door and says bye then he walks of probably to his. I walk in and head to my seat at the back near the window.

The day goes by quickly and I hop in the car with my brother and Callum drives to his own house to get ready for the party he's gonna show up earlier so he can help out though. Me and my brother make it home and we hop out of the car into the house. Our parents are out on a date and then staying at a hotel for the night. They know we're having a party they said it's fine as long as it's clean when they get back and nothing breaks.

I'm not the best with crowded places and loud noises so this is gonna be a pain but I told Callum I would show my face and my brother has been nagging me not to lock myself in my room for it. I don't get what's so good about party's they're just annoying to me. It's probably just because it's before summer vacation.

I hop in the shower in my room after stripping down I clean my body and my hair I hop out and blow dry my hair and then brush it. It's not really long but it is longer than boys normally have their hair. After I'm finished doing that I get dressed in a black pair of ripped jeans and a black t shirt with a black and white checkered shirt Over the top i leave all of those buttons undone.

I make my way down stairs to see my brother in the kitchen putting out snacks and some beer and other alcohol. Max who is my brother turns round and notices I'm dressed.

Max "oh your showing your face are you that's good what made you change your mind"

"Callum convinced me"

Max chuckles he knows I'm in love with him "what did he bribe you with"

I roll my eyes "he said after he would watch movies in my room with me because he's staying over tonight" I blush at that

Max "why don't you confess to him"

"I told you he would never like me back in that way. I'd rather keep my feelings to my self than make him hate me and me become heart broken"

Max "you should just do it. it might surprise you he might like you back. He's gay too remember"

"Ye doesn't mean everyone gay person is gonna date. Your bi are you gonna date him just because you like men"

I chuckle when my brother gags "absolutely not. And I wouldn't do that to you anyway"

"Alright alright I get it. But I'm still not going to unless I'm on my death bed"

My brother sighs. I know it makes him sad because I put myself down. He's told me multiple times that Callum would be lucky to have me but I just can't believe him. I'm no where near good enough for him. I snap out of my thoughts when the door opens and Callum walks in.

Max "I need to go and get ready I'll be at least half an hour and everything's already done so just chill out and watch some tv or something."

We both nod and I walk over to the couch and I feel it dip as Callum sits down next to me. Callum pulls me into his side and I lay my head on his shoulder.

Callum "you ok"

I nod

Callum "you sure you look like you've got a lot on your mind" he's right I do but I'm not going to tell him that

"Nah I'm fine"

He nods and we stay in that position even when my brother comes down my brother sits down next to me and I look at him as he looks down at and grins. I roll my eyes and look away from him.

Max "people will start showing up soon"

Callum "ok"

Max turns on some music and blasts it off already I keep my head on Callum's shoulder and he keeps his arm around my waist even when people start to show up.

About 20 minutes later it looks like everyone's here and max has already wondered of. Callum gets up and pulls me up by my hand he keeps a hold of it as we walk over to a group of people. He introduces me to them and introduces them to me. This goes on for a while as he introduces me to everyone they're all second years so I don't really know them and to be honest I don't care.

Callum let's go of my hand and ends up walking of somewhere and I just head back to the couch and sit on it staring of and just thinking about things I also watch people seeing what they are doing although me eyes mainly follow Callum around he's not done much except talk to different people he looks back at me every so often. I didn't notice someone was there until the couch dips I look up and see Callum he just pulls me into his side again as I rest my head on his shoulder. He knows doing this chills me out.

To be honest if people see us together 90% of the time you'll see us sat like this. We don't talk.

My brother comes back I know that because I hear him shout truth or dare. I can't be arsed but Callum pulls me down to the floor next to him as other people do too but not everyone some are still drink, some talking and some dancing and making out. My brother does the first dare. Daring a girl called Lisa to take a shot of vodka straight he passes her a shot glass full and she cringes before she even drinks it. She throws it back and then shivers while people laugh.

Then Lisa dares a boy called Leo to strip his top of and leave it of for the rest of the game. He looks mortified at her straightforwardness but chuckles and does it anyway while the girls cheer. It goes on for a while until it's finally Callum's turn. And what the dare is shocks both of us.

A girl called Jess dares Callum to kiss me on the lips. It may seem childish but to me it's not. My heart is already thumping against my chest I see that max has a grin on his face he planned this probably. Everyone has a grin on their face. Like they wanted it to happen. I peak up at Callum and he still looks shocked and then what he says next breaks my heart.

Callum "no!"

Max "you've got to it's a dare"

Callum glares at him "no. Not going to happen. Do another one"

Max "no"

Callum "fine then"

Callum gets up and walks out of the front door slamming it behind him. My heart just broke even more he hates the thought of me that much. well at least I know what he thinks of me now. I knew he would never like me I'm just happy I didn't confess to him because If he reacted like that to my confession it would've broke me.

I can feel the tears threatening to fall from my eyes I get up and run up stairs I can hear max shouting wait but I ignore him I slam my door shut and lock it. As I do I hear max shout to everyone to get out and that the party's over. I strip down to just my boxers and climb in bed wrapping myself up in my quilt I can't help but sob.

I hear my door rattle then click open. I turn and see max slip the key back into his pocket. Yes he has a key to my room I have one to his incase of an emergency. He closes the door behind him and sits on my bed. I wipe my eyes they're probably all red.

Max "I'm sorry Finlay"

I sniffle "it's fine now I know what he thinks of me. I thought there might be at least one slither of hope and now that's out of the window he basically hates me."

Max "he doesn't hate you"

"Ye he does i bet he would've kissed any other person in that room if he was dared to. But he couldn't even kiss me for a dare so he clearly hates me."

Max doesn't say anything he just walks out and grabs something on the way out. He closes the door behind him and I turn back round and carry on sobbing.

Callum's pov

Why the hell did they dare me to do that. I just had to leave. I'm back at my house now in my bedroom and in a pair of pjs. The look on his face when he peaked up at me. I can't quite put my finger on the look he gave me. I can't stop thinking about it when my bedroom door slams open and max barges in.

Max "what the hell did you react like that for"

"Calm down."

Max "don't tell me to calm down!" he looks pissed of and I don't know why

"Why you pissed of. All I did is say no and walk out he probably didn't even want me to kiss him"

Max "your a fucking idiot you've liked him for years and yet you say no and walk of"

"Is that what your pissed of about"

Max "I'm pissed of because my little brother is sobbing his eyes out because he thinks his crush hates him because he didn't even want to kiss him not even for a dare. He thinks that you would've kissed anyone else in that room if dared to but not him. He thinks you hate him you fucking idiot!"

"Shit" I'm his crush really omg. He likes me to. Shit what have I done. He's crying because of me and he thinks I hate him. God I'm stupid

"You better get your ass over to my house now and speak to him get in my car I'm driving"

I nod and follow him out and we hop in his car and drive of

"He really likes me"

Max "yes you better sort this out"

"I will. I definitely will" damn I can't believe I made him cry. We get to his house and we walk up the stairs max shoves me in his brothers room and he looks up with red stains down his face my heart breaks just looking at him.

Finlay's pov

It's been half and hour since my brother left my room and I hear my door open and see Callum stood there staring at me.


Max "neither of you are coming out until this is settled."

I hear my door click and I panic I look to my bedside table where I always keep my key shit he took it. That's what he grabbed when he left.

"Max please"

He doesn't answer back shit. He really locked and left us in here I seriously can't believe him sometimes.

I'm broken out of my thoughts when my bed dips next to me. I look and see Callum sat looking down at me. I turn over and cover myself so he can't see me.

Callum "Finlay please look at me."

I shake my head and he sighs

Callum "please let me just explain I'm sorry"

I sit up

"Explain what. There's nothing to explain. You didn't want to kiss me and that's all it is. Nothing much to explain. No need to be sorry"

Callum "that's not it though"

I look up at him through my lashes

Callum "I do want to kiss you, I want to make love to you, I want to fuck you, I want to love you, I want to take care of you, I want to show you of to the world as mine. I want all of you. Finlay I have for years now. I'm in love with you"

I start to cry again is what he's saying true.

Callum "please don't cry not again not because of me"

"Do you really mean all of that"

He nods "I do every last bit of it. I love you Finlay."

"I I love you too. But why did you react like that then. If you wanted to kiss me why didn't you when you finally had the chance. I wanted to kiss you but then I thought you wanted none of that with the way you reacted. I've loved you for years but I thought you would never want me and tonight proved that to me but now your proving different"

Callum "I reacted like that because I wanted out first kiss to be on our terms when we finally confessed. I didn't want to have our first kiss together over some stupid dare"

I nod "I understand. I love you"

Callum "I love you too. So can I kiss you. And make love to you. And do all that other stuff and will you be my boyfriend"

I nod "yes and yes. I would love too."

Callum "that making love thing I said I meant now I can't hold back much longer I've finally got you and I've waited to long"

I blush and nod "yes make love to me"

Callum smiles at me and pushes me down so I'm flat against the bed he moves the quilt out of the way and climbs on top of me being careful not to put his who weight on me. He leans down slowly and presses his lips against mine i put one hand on his neck and one in his hair pulling him closer to me. He licks me bottom lip and I open my mouth and he pushes his tongue in. I gasp as his tongue explores my mouth.

He pulls back and I whine. He smiles and gets up he strips of completely so he's fully naked. Then he does the same to me when he gets to my pant and underwear I lift me hips as he pulls them both down. I blush and squirm under his look.

Callum "your beautiful baby" he kiss me again and trails kisses down my body. He gets to my nipples and sucks on them I let out a low moan he continues downwards until he's at my cock. I can feel his breath against it it causes me to shiver and whimper.

He ducks down and licks a line up my cock and when he reaches the tip he takes it into his mouth fully until I feel the back of his throat. I'm about to come when he pulls back and I whine and he lifts my legs and licks around my pink twitch hole.

He sticks in a finger and I twitch he starts to move that around he places another and another in until I'm a moaning mess. He pulls them out and sticks his tongue in I can't help but rock against his face trying to get his tongue deeper. He pulls back and hooks my legs round his waist I can feel him his cock push against my hole but he doesn't push in. he leans down and kisses me.

Callum "tell me to slow down or stop if it hurts ok"

I nod and I see him smile he starts to push in and I clench my teeth I wrap my arms around his back and dig my nails in. He pushes in until I feel his balls hit against my ass. He starts to move after a minute he lets out a groan as I moan And rock back against him meeting his thrust I keep my nails in his back as I need to hold onto something as the pleasures too much but I want to hold onto him. I can feel myself close to cumming.

"Babe I'm gonna cum" I moan out

Callum "go on baby I'm right behind you."

I accidentally scream out when I burst. A few thrust later Callum's cums in my ass I let out a moan as he does. He pulls out and we lay together for a few minutes.

Callum "come on let's go wash up. We can have a shower"

I blush and nod I get up and follow him to the bathroom I see his back and gasp as he turns on the water.

Callum "what's wrong" he says after he hears me gasp.

I pull him to the mirror and show his back his has scratch marks going down his back they're bleeding a little.

"I'm sorry" I say while blushing

Callum's grins "don't be these are your marks."

I blush and nod. We finish in the shower and climb into bed together me with my head on his chest and him with his arms wrapped around me.

Callum "I love you baby goodnight"

"I love you too babe"

Halfway through the night I hear a door but ignore it because I'm half asleep anyway and can't be bothered.